Looking for someone who makes VCD's

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread


I'm searching for someone who's able to make VCD's out of videotapes (45 - 50 minutes each)for a nice price. "Maybe" someone finds it a challenge to learn more about the making of VCD's him-/herself during this progress? I prefer someone in Holland or in Europe or someone in America who's able to play PAL (European) videotapes. The tapes only have to be switched over to a VCD's so no extra titles etc. are needed. Hope someone is able to help me, because I'm searching for so long already!

-- Jenneke Stinis (djfc@wanadoo.nl), July 03, 2001


I can convert your PAL videotapes onto VCD for you. Please check out my web site at http://www.cideo.net.

Regards, Michael mail@cideo.net http://www.cideo.net

-- Michael Y. (mail@cideo.net), July 05, 2001.

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