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I love Milan Kundera's books, and i was wondering if anyone knew anything about one of his books possibly titled "immortality". its supposedly about how artists seek immortality within their work by making a piece of art that will last forever, or at least after they die. has anyone read that one, or at least know the actual title?
-- Anonymous, July 03, 2001
I haven't read it, but Immortality is the actual title.
-- Anonymous, July 03, 2001
I should warn you: of the 10 or so people I know who've read Immortality, half of them (including myself) hated it so much that it ruined Kundera for them. The other five loved it, thought it one of his best.
-- Anonymous, July 03, 2001
Immortality is the latest of his books that I've read--nine years ago, oof!--and I really enjoyed it. I loved his presence in the novel; I tend to like well-done and deliberate authorial intrusion. I love the conversations he set up among dead authors, who were they, Goethe and Melville? or Goethe and Hemingway? Nine years ago I hadn't read either of the USAn ones so I forget. But I loved that idea, of authors discussing their lives and their works and their immortality. It goes along with the "Which ten people, living or dead or fictional, would you have at a dinner party?" question.
-- Anonymous, July 03, 2001
I knew I would find h in the Kundera thread! Just remember, it's KUN- de-ra, not kun-DARE-ra.
-- Anonymous, July 03, 2001
I 'read' an unabridged edition of "The Unbearable Lightness of Being" on audiotape a couple of months back. Is this book similar to most of his work? I didn't enjoy it too much, but if others love any of his books, I'm willing to give him another shot.
-- Anonymous, August 29, 2002