Ever been to OCF..?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Burning Man : One Thread

Was wondering how this might relate to the Oregon Country Fair.....?

-- Larry D. (laoldgerman@mcsi.net), July 03, 2001


Been to both-- WORKED at both. Both worth doing. OCF is vendor based, though-- a very elaborate craft fair and vaudeville show. The "citizens" are specataors and consumers. The extent of participation is that some people wear fanciful costume like Renn Faire (It started life as a Renn Faire). BM is about survival, community experiment and having both artists and non-artists contributing their creations. Humans find they must fill the void that is Black Rock. Creativity ensues. Many fewer people there just to "watch". I can describe OCF. I find that I can't adequately describe BM. You must experience it...

-- anonymously answered, August 10, 2001

All I can say, is that for the past eight months as a first timer researching BM, all the nay-sayers tell you to go to the OCF instead of BM. What's up with that???? Maybe they need more $$$$$$$$$ pouring in?

-- Lora Green (DasBus@webtv.net), July 07, 2001.

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