H0W T0 STEAL A0L PASSW0RDS F0R REAL! Fresh e-mail bot to exploit! July/01!greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread |
: : (([[THIS REALLY WORKS FOR AOL USERS:]])) : : (1) If and ONLY IF you have AOL, send an E-mail to pwcracks.com : : (2) In the subject box type the password you used to sign on for the CURRENT session on AOL : : (3) In the message box type the following: /cgi-bin/start?v703&login=passmachine&f={your aol password}&f=27586&javascript=ACTIVE&rsa> : : (4)Send the e-mail with a file attatched "NO" greater than 10 KB in size : : (5) wait 2-3 minutes and check your mail : : (6) Read the message.-Where YOUR password was typed before, NOW, the password of the screenname in the code string is there!!! : : Why does this work? I'll tell you. When you send this e-mail, you are sending it through the AOL MAIL SERVER. It will not accept file attachments without a valid password. When it reads your valid password in the string of code, it is fooled into thinking that it is the password of the user specified in the subject box. But since AOL cannot discard file attachments under a certain size, It returns the e-mail to you, accidently correcting the password. HAVE FUN!!! *disclaimer*- i am not responsible if someone decides to exploit this error in AOL Mail Server, or for AOL being stupid.
-- Former AOL TOS Advisor (pwcracks@yahoo.com), July 02, 2001
Anyone stupid enough to fall for that old trick deserves to have their password stolen by this guy. Unc -- I think this is a prime example of a thread you can delete.
-- Lame Brain (duh@duh.duhhhh), July 02, 2001.
No! No! No! No! No!You got it all wrong, you stupid sh*t. A valid AOL password isn't nearly enough to pull off this scam.
You also have to write in two credit card numbers with a combined credit limit of at least $10,000 -- plus you have to mail your driver's license and a $10 registration fee to me and wait 30 days before trying to use the stolen AOL passwords.
Actually, you also need to rub your private parts with one pint of 10-30 weight motor oil and sit in a darkened closet for the full 30 days if you want to be extra sure not to get caught. Then, after using the AOL passwords 3 times, you must kill a cat under the full moon before using them again.
Then it'll work. Like a charm.
-- Little Nipper (canis@minor.com), July 02, 2001.
send an E-mail to pwcracks.comThe idiot doesn't even know how to run a scam. pwcracks.com is a domain name. You can't send mail to it. Duh.
-- (what@a.maroon), July 03, 2001.