karaoke vcd dat file

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Where can I download a free karaoke dat file. Not the whole vcd but only the dat files contain in the vcd?...thanks

-- aweh dizo (aweh1021@yahoo.com), July 02, 2001


White Book includes options on karaoke, specifically files that tell the player how the audio streams are to be managed, etc. Some authoring programs cater for karaoke, some, like VP4, don't. Actually the issue of karaoke assumes less importance when you just assign headers to the MPEG stream telling a player the audio is ch1/ch2 instead of stereo, and taking only the L-ch output on both for music only, which is why the absence of the karaoke directory or the files within doesn't faze karaoke VCD makers. Having said this programs that do fully support karaoke will generate the files in the karaoke directory based on the requirements of the one creating the VCD, which means these files will be unique from VCD to VCD, in the same way the lot and vcd directories are, so you can't just download some karaoke.dat file elsewhere and use them. If you're really dead-on with this karaoke thing I suggest you scout for a VCD-authoring program that fully and duly supports the karaoke feature.

-- Mehmet Tekdemir (turk690@yahoo.com), July 03, 2001.

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