How to filter gray : LUSENET : Archives- from C-side : One Thread |
How to filter gray : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread
I have gray water and need to filter it in some way. Not useing the amount need for a bog. I think the peat way would work but don't know how to do it. All I want to do is give good water back to mother earth and keep the sate off my back.They say I have to have it BUT don't know any thing about it? HELP Thank you Gregg ( S.E. Oh if it makes any diff.)
-- Gregg Milliken (, July 07, 1999
I don't know about your state regs but we filter our gray water through a 55 gallon barrel filled with gravel. It has been in the ground for 2 years and we haven't had to cleanit or change the gravel yet. I guess it works somewhat like a leach field in a septic system does. The water that comes out has no debris and goes to the orchard.
-- marci shaffer (, July 13, 1999.
Here's a good website on water:
Copy and paste it into your browser.
-- walt (, July 27, 1999.
Here's a very good and extensive website on water purification and filtration:
-- walt (, August 26, 1999.
-- walt (, November 30, 1999.
-- (, July 01, 2001