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Design Plans for : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread
Can anyone point me to plans design an outhouse that let us safely compost the product? I've searched online to no avail. No resources at the local library. I don't have $1000 bucks to invest in a composting toilet. Any info is much appreciated!!
-- Rush (, December 07, 1999
Gene Logsdon's book "Practical Skills" has a good section on outhouses with an emphasis on ending up with usable compost. I don't know if it's still in print, but I can copy the pages for you if you can't find it.
-- Judy Bowman (, December 10, 1999.
Look for "Goodbye to the flush toilet", edited by Carol Hupping Stoner. I don't know if it is still in print, as I have an oid copy. Another very good book is "The humanure handbook", and it is still published by the author. I got my 'system' out of this book. Both cover the various commercial models and provide some instructions for homemade ones. Excellent books for everyone to read, even if they have conventional systems.
Rod Perrino
-- Rod Perrino (, December 11, 1999.
There is a website ran by a facility called Appalachian science in the public interest. I've visited their facility (it's made of cordwood) and they have many Homebuilt compost toilets on the grounds. They sell technical papers on all sorts of subjects, but your in luck! You can download the plans for free from their site. Their website is , click on publication list, and then click on tech papers, scroll down 'til you find "humanure" , it will be high lighted, showing it's free to download. I know this site can help, and is also a very good site for anyone homesteading. I hope you find what you're looking for! By the way, I'm a soldier serving in Bosnia, and this is how I'm keeping in contact with the rest of the world.
-- Wayne Underwood (, January 19, 2000.
design from 1931 texas dept of health. can be printed off for free. found by owner of the web site. look at
-- jeff anderson (, May 20, 2001. 2000.
-- (, July 01, 2001