NY GAMBINO FAMILY HEAD - Clintons are "low-rent, trailer-park trash"

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July 1, 2001 -- Members of New York's Gambino crime family are distancing themselves from the Clinton pardon scandal, calling the former president's family "low-rent, trailer-park trash."

Thomas Gambino, 72, son of the late mob boss Carlo Gambino, is fuming at reports his family had something to do with Roger Clinton's effort to get a pardon for a New Jersey heroin dealer named Rosario "Sal" Gambino, said Michael Rosen, the New York Gambino's lawyer.

"My client had nothing to do with the low-rent, trailer-park trash politicians who infested our country for the past eight years," Rosen said.

"There is no connection in any way, shape or form between those [Gambino] people who sought a pardon and my client," said Rosen. "He doesn't even know them."

Thomas Gambino, who was released from prison last year after serving a five-year term for loan-sharking, also does not want to be confused with Rosario Gambino's son Thomas, who reportedly paid Roger Clinton $50,000 in a bid to get the pardon for his father, currently serving a 45-year prison term for heroin trafficking.

The money was paid to Clinton by a check issued by a telephone firm owned by Rosario Gambino's children.

Unlike Clinton's other clients, the Gambinos did get something for their money: Rosario Gambino made a White House list of pardon candidates to be screened by the Justice Department.

Meanwhile, Time magazine reports the federal Parole Commission tried to whack an FBI probe of the former president's drug-dealing, pardon-peddling brother.

The bureau hoped to bag Roger Clinton in a sting operation, but, sources said, the commission, appointed by big brother Bill, went to the department to kibosh the case.

The FBI won the argument, but their probe went nowhere.

Still, new allegations keep surfacing, including an overseas stock deal that would have given Roger Clinton a tax-free windfall, Time said.

J.T. Lundy, the former head of Calumet Farms who was convicted of bank fraud, offered to give Roger Clinton stock in a Venezuelan coal deal.

The payoff was to be funneled through a mutual friend, who was convicted of buying drugs from Roger Clinton in the mid-1980s.

Clinton deposited $100,000 in travelers checks, some from Venezuela, in his bank in November, the article said.

-- Anonymous, July 01, 2001

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