Urgent Help requred for Vp4 please !greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
Hi Everyone,I am a videopack 4 user and up until today iv never experienced any problems with it. The problem im having is when vp4 is in the process of writing a video track i get an error message saying ' write block failed '. In my case this video track is number '05'. I've also noticed that vp4 does not let you create more that 9 video tracks, or does it (???), This is because towards the end when i see the whole of my project with all its tracks listed, it only goes down to 09. I dont know if i am doing something wrong here but is this suppose to happen? cuz iv got 11 tracks not 09.
Anyway heres a typical example of what im trying to do.
=================================================================== 1st node - 1stmenu (2 items : mpeg vid/2nd menu 2nd node - mpeg vid 3rd node - 2nd menu (5 items : mpeg vid/mpeg vid/mpeg vid/mpeg vid/ 3rd menu) 4th node - mpeg vid 5th node - mpeg vid 6th node - mpeg vid 7th node - mpeg vid 8th node - 3rd menu (5items :mpeg vid/mpeg vid/mpeg vid/ back to 2nd menu/play 2nd node 9th node - mpeg vid 10th node - mpeg vid 11th node - mpeg vid =================================================================== Im extremely sorry if this confuses anyone but i had no other way of desrbing my problem. Anyway as you see i have 3 menus all of which are mpeg videos (not stills as i create my own using adobe premiere) and 8 mpeg tracks. Can someone see where im going wrong cuz iv wasted quite a number of vcds. Thanks
-- SHARKEE (Sharky_786@hotmail.com), June 30, 2001
Two things here: "write block failed" and unexpected number of tracks. VP4 is a first-gen VCD authoring program which adheres very strictly to White Book specs; if an MPEG clip has even just one block in it that fails to satisfy track compliance, VP4 will test it and continue the build if it's still playable but will not include the same as a track but as an itemxxxx.dat that will be in the SEGMENT directory; or, if it's really messed up and corrupted (like some extracted *.dat files from scratched VCDs that were done with VCDGear, despite choosing -fix mode), it will abort build of that particular clip. Either way you will have a lower than expected number of tracks; you can figure out which applies to your case.
-- Mehmet Tekdemir (turk690@yahoo.com), July 01, 2001.