SL painting fences : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

Painting Fence Posts

The most commonly overlooked part of a fence picket is the bottom. When painting, staining or finishing a fence picket, don't overlook the bottom.

The end grain of wood (the bottom of the picket) literally draws up water like a straw. Take a look at an old, poorly maintained fence and chances are that it is rotting from the bottom up. To make sure the ends are coated, hold a small inspection mirror on the ground under each picket for ease of inspection.

- Stephen Corwin

-- Anonymous, June 28, 2001


But now they have those maintenance-free plastic picket fences. . .

-- Anonymous, June 28, 2001

NOT for horses!!!!! and they are very expensive, and they get very brittle...I have friends with the plastice stuff they never had to paint, and they don't rot, BUT they CRUMBLE!!!!!!!

-- Anonymous, June 29, 2001

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