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http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A53900-2001Jun27.htmlBush, GOP Mount Effort to Sell Energy Plan
By Mike Allen and Juliet Eilperin
Washington Post Staff Writers
Thursday, June 28, 2001; Page A01
President Bush and his allies in Congress, increasingly worried that his energy proposal faces trouble on Capitol Hill and could hurt Republicans in next year's elections, are launching a partywide campaign to build support for expanding U.S. energy supplies.
The president is to send his energy legislation to Congress today, and congressional Republicans will fan out across the country during next week's Fourth of July recess to make the case for spurring domestic energy production by lowering regulatory barriers for new power plants and pipelines.
Republicans are beginning the effort despite new signs that the country's energy problems may be abating. California yesterday switched on the first new power plant built in the state in nearly 13 years as hopes grew that the state's power shortages this summer will be less severe than predicted [Details, Page A9]. The American Automobile Association reported that gasoline prices have fallen 9 percent in the past month.
BP, the multinational oil company, issued its newest global energy assessment, which contended the world has abundant supplies of oil and gas. "There is no fundamental energy shortage," John Browne, BP's chief executive officer, told reporters in New York.
Republicans were undeterred. House Majority Whip Tom DeLay (R-Tex.) warned his colleagues during a closed-door session yesterday that they might not return to Congress in 2003 if they fail to respond to voters' concerns about a possible energy crisis. "There is no other issue that is out there right now that is more important than this, because energy touches everybody," DeLay said afterward.
Bush, who has been criticized by Democrats and environmental organizations for slighting conservation in his energy proposal, said yesterday he wants to restore $300 million for conservation research that he cut from his budget. Today, he also plans to visit the Energy Department, where he plans to look at energy-efficient technology, including a car that runs partly on electricity.
Virginia Gov. James S. Gilmore III, who is chairman of the Republican National Committee, will travel to California on Friday to criticize Democrats for what the GOP says is their inaction on energy. Vice President Cheney is devoting time each week to energy interviews with reporters based outside Washington. Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham will appear Monday at the groundbreaking of a coal plant that will use cleaner technology.
"This issue is one that obviously gets lots of attention in the summer months," said Dan Bartlett, a deputy assistant to the president who is shaping the strategy. "We think that if we take the necessary steps, this is a winning issue in the next election."
For the past week, about 20 White House aides have huddled in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building at 9:30 each morning to set their energy game plan for the day. "The president has done a lot to help people who are being hurt by the energy crunch, and it's up to us to make sure they know," said Jim Wilkinson, White House deputy director of communications, who organizes the meetings.
"You only lose on this issue if you don't go out and educate," said Mary Matalin, counselor to the vice president, who has been appearing on radio call-in shows to push the energy plan. "The only reason for us to let up is to let Democrats hit us over the head with it."
DeLay has created a House Energy Action Team, consisting of two dozen members who meet weekly with administration officials to plan strategy and deflect Democratic attacks. On the House floor, Democratic speeches on energy had outnumbered Republicans' during the morning hour reserved for one-minute speeches. Now, at least four Republicans take to the floor each day.
The House leadership has also developed an elaborate plan to sell the president's energy program over the recess, complete with a CD-ROM presentation, "Your Energy, Your Future," which members can use in town-hall meetings. An air of urgency marked the GOP's preparations this week: DeLay interns stayed late at the office creating the CD-ROMs, while House Republican Conference staffers prepared thick briefing books complete with sample newspaper columns, talking points and other information tailored to Californians and members in other states facing high gas prices.
House Republicans will also return to their districts armed with pocket-size laminated cards, adorned with oil derricks, listing talking points about energy.
Several Republicans acknowledged the energy crunch might be easing. But they said they were better off explaining their position to voters than playing down the problem. "It's safer to talk about it than to hide from it," said Virginia Rep. Thomas M. Davis III, who chairs the House GOP's campaign committee.
House Minority Leader Richard A. Gephardt (D-Mo.) issued a report yesterday that listed financial ties between Republican congressional leaders and the oil and gas industry. He predicted that any campaign to promote Bush's energy plan would fall flat.
"They can go on any PR offensive they want," Gephardt said. "The American people are smart. They know what is really going on."
One member of DeLay's action team suggested GOP lawmakers would have to retool the president's energy proposal before the party could win over voters. "In terms of selling a package in toto, we're not there yet," said House Science Committee Chairman Sherwood L. Boehlert (R-N.Y.), who supports more conservation initiatives and additional money to research renewable energy sources.
In its report, the American Automobile Association said the national average price for a gallon of unleaded gas was $1.55 yesterday, down from $1.71 a month ago and $1.66 a year ago. It attributed the decline to growing supply from heavy refining activity and sluggish demand.
Browne, of BP, said in an interview in New York that the United States does not need to build major new gasoline refineries -- as called for in the Bush energy plan -- but can rely on the expansion of existing ones. He credited the president for calling attention to a range of energy problems, including delivery bottlenecks that contribute to volatile energy prices.
"That's to be applauded," Browne said.
Staff writer Peter Behr in New York contributed to this report.
© 2001 The Washington Post Company
-- (in@energy.news), June 28, 2001