Man Divorces Wife by Text Message : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread


Wednesday June 27 12:12 PM ET

Man Divorces Wife by Text Message

DUBAI (Reuters) - A Dubai court validated the divorce of a husband who sent his wife her marching orders by text message on his mobile phone, the Khaleej Times reported on Wednesday.

It was the first case of divorce by mobile phone registered in the Gulf emirate.

However, the man changed his mind soon afterwards and the couple, who had been married for two years and have a baby daughter, were reported to be still together.

The Gulf News daily, in a separate report on the case, said the couple approached the court asking if they were divorced after the husband sent his wife a message that read: ``Why are you late? You are divorced.''

Islamic Sharia law stipulates a man can divorce his wife by either speaking or writing the words ``I divorce you'' three times, if certain conditions are met. If he utters the sentence only twice, he can alter his decision within three months.

The same rights are not available to women.

Abdel Salam Mohammad Darwish, adviser at the Family Reconciliation section of the courts, told the Khaleej Times the divorce was confirmed as valid, but the husband changed his mind after a couple of hours.

-- Tidbit (, June 27, 2001


That's "I Dvors U" on a mobile screen, isn't it?

-- Firemouse (dictionary@abbrevia.tions), June 27, 2001.

I hear it come via a trailer.

-- Marg (, June 27, 2001.

“but the husband changed his mind after a couple of hours.”

Those silly ragheads are at it again.

-- Telinet (, June 27, 2001.

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