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Just wanted to let you know that I cruised in Unk's WWW here on greenspun, and someone is wanting to know your name again. Sorry, but I'm just to tired to fire up the e-mail and look up your addy.

-- Anonymous, June 26, 2001


I saw that post. I've been limiting my time over there since some of the more literate posters (e.g., Eve) have now moved to Dennis' board and the ones that are left are either jr high students or merely write at that level. There was also a long thread recalling Y2K debates on the Classic TB. Very scary. It's long past time to move on, and it looks like there are a few who haven't.

-- Anonymous, June 26, 2001


I hardly ever go over there even to scan the topics, but I was to tired to do much else this evening other than surf. Thought I'd check into what the crazies were up to. Oh well, seems like somethings never change (or people).

Just looking at the topic headings, I understand fully once again why I quit going there.


-- Anonymous, June 26, 2001

Yep, thanks Sheeps. Someone else e-mailed me about it. I expect Lady Logic is after me again. She's already tracked down Diane and Decker, maybe others too, and is now looking for me again--happens about eveyr six months or so. I don't think she'll be able to find me, but that red flag is still on my file in the 911 CAD system.

By an odd coincidence, I was in the middle of an e-mail exchange with my 911 supervisor friend when I got the word. I'll be asking him to extend the red flag for another six months. As crazy as LL has demonstrated she is, I wouldn't put anything past her.

This latest incident is another reason I strongly advise against using real names and addresses here and why the password is so tightly controlled. Now and then, someone who "doesn't feel right" tries to get the password; when it's refused, there's another attempt on another forum to get my real name.

Just another reminder that there are some crazies out there.

-- Anonymous, June 27, 2001


Someone you may have met on-line (Aunt__Bee) told me that she heard that LL moved to just north of LA. What a thought, LL doing California. So, if you get any requests from that area, ask em some questions.

-- Anonymous, June 27, 2001

You know, I think we did. I can't remember and I really don't want to go back through all the mail--but maybe just for that period. The last suspish request we got (made repeatedly) was from someone who's e-mail address was "perkypinkones@XXX.XXX." Talk about a red flag!

P.S. Just checked--bingo on the location!

-- Anonymous, June 27, 2001

The LA area is a good place for LL. I'd be happy to send the Pittsburgh foot licker out there, too. Should I add that I believe that the area will drop into the ocean before long? (;

-- Anonymous, June 27, 2001

Yeah, I spotted the thread too. Started by a Mark Tobler with a UK e-mail addy, same guy who started the Diane Squire flame fest with a thread title riddled with metatags so a Web search on her name would be sure to bring it up. Some of the talk on that thread is downright vicious, people wanting to call Squire's current employer to "out" her, CPR on full rant mode, etc. Be glad of your anonymity, OG.

-- Anonymous, June 27, 2001

"Mark Tobler" smells very much like Laura, I'm afraid. I've noticed some sentence constructs that a Brit wouldn't ordinarily use. Skimming over some posts and threads lately, I believe I see Laura, cpr and Pro posting over there under various and sundry names.

By the way--contrary to what Patricia posted I never even posted on OTFR's forum, let alone trolled over there. I have no idea where that notion came from.

-- Anonymous, June 27, 2001

"Someone you may have met on-line (Aunt__Bee) told me that she heard that LL moved to just north of LA."

Wasn't this what iona was threatening/promising to do??

-- Anonymous, June 27, 2001

Well, according to some posters over there, patricia is a 40-something spinster alcoholic. If this is the case,then it wouldn't be hard for her to 'imagine' things. LOLOLOLOLOL

Bunch of crazy people!

-- Anonymous, June 27, 2001

Barefoot, don't fall for what Patricia's enemies (e.g. Lady Logic) say about her.

-- Anonymous, June 27, 2001

Barefoot, ditto what Peter said.

-- Anonymous, June 27, 2001

OG, I hope your right about Ladylogic not being able to find you. Someone e-mailed me about a post on Unc's WWW wanting to know if I was Erin Kerr...who in the hell is that? LOL! Whoever Erin Kerr is, she's going to be harrassed by LL. LOL! Your right though, about every six months she gets a bug up her butt to find you and for some reason me. She can look all she wants, California is a mighty big state. BTW, she'll be looking down the barrel of a 12 gauge shotgun if she happens to show up. However, my Rotties will have her ass before me....

-- Anonymous, June 28, 2001

Yep, saw that, Bar, and wondered who the hell Erin Kerr was myself.

Some years ago, when we first moved here, we wished to remain anonymous from Sweetie's family so we took certain precautions. I think they'll work.

Basically, I think LL just wants to intimidate--a kind of power thing--but with all the crazies around, you never know when she might decide to turn more physical. I do know Diane has had death threats, which she believes were made by LL, and I heard second-hand that Chuck received similar threats. That can't be very pleasant.

-- Anonymous, June 28, 2001

There's only a handful of people who have my e-mail and even that one is anonymous. There's no doubt someone is fishing to harass me, and that someone is LL. You would think after 2 years she would get a grip. This is why I think she is a dangerous person, along with some others who are still foaming at the mouth over Y2K and how wrong everyone was. You know, there has to be something wrong upstairs with those people. Why do they think WE owe them an apology? BTW, I got an e-mail from Helium a couple of months ago inviting me to the new TB2000 forum. I've only posted over there about 4 or 5 times and all of a sudden the Erin Kerr thread showed up at Unks. So no doubt she scans that board. I don't post there anymore.

-- Anonymous, June 28, 2001

No need to be run off from a board. Just use another handle and change your grammar errors (adding is easier) and sentence structure a bit. Some writer and writer wannabes have several personas. One I know has written out the persona's habits on index cards, which are posted near the computer. This exercise is supposed to help the writer create better fiction. Certainly character development is better in this person's writing, although I wouldn't want to keep track of all those details, especially after a long day.

I thought that LL was such a construct, but I've since had email assuring me that she is real and a few fries short of a Happy Meal.

-- Anonymous, June 28, 2001

she's real alright. You haven't seen the pictures of her? She sent her DL and a glamour shot to decker that sent it to Unk. I got them from him. Too bad that my hard drive went poof and I lost them, or I'd post them here for all to see. Just as a caution that if you see this person on the street to run the other way!

She threatened me a couple of times, and somehow found out my name. Said she was going to call my bosses. If she did, I never heard from it. My words to her "Bring it on!" I was having a bad day at the time, but would have liked nothing better than to kick her "white powdered butt" around the block a few times. I'm not the violent sort, but that day I would have!

-- Anonymous, June 28, 2001

A legend in her own mind.

-- Anonymous, June 28, 2001

I saw those pics too. It's believed LL is the one who called Decker's office and asked the receptionist the name of the local newspaper so she could tell them about how much time Decker spends online when he should be doing the public's business. Some months prior to that incident, LL traced Decker's home phone and called him at home. I understand it was an uncomfortable call.

Yep, anyone who is still carrying that kind of a grudge after two years is to be avoided at all costs.

-- Anonymous, June 28, 2001

No, I never saw the pix, but then I never got that involved with posters at the original TB. I was too busy starting a local barter network (which still exists, thank you) and gleaning what advice I could about urban survival options, especially in the case of civil unrest.

Y2K was a wake up call for me, a call to get back to a simplier lifestyle (pay cash as I go!) and to have better back ups in case the city services were interrupted. I have used all of my emergency equipment (or loaned it out) several times since then and certainly don't bemoan the fact that I have it.

But I've also "moved on" in the sense that I don't carry any grudges about things posters wrote to me, and I find it somewhat hard to understand the mentality of those who would go into the various archives and dredge up old arguments. Joke threads are okay, but why bring up old discussions that degenerated into name calling contests?

This is why I've quit hanging out at Unk's to a large extent. The more literate of the posters also seemed to have moved on, to be replaced by those who seem to be carrying grudges. Or maybe it's just LL posting in several personas. I don't know, and to be honest, I really don't care.

-- Anonymous, June 28, 2001

Meemur, your right about grudges, and I don't hold any grudge against anyone, no need to. It's strange to see your name being associated with someone you don't even know. If anyone here remembers, LL was always trying to say someone was someone. I didn't answer the Erin Kerr thread, why push the envelope. However, I feel sorry for Erin Kerr if LL decides to look her up.

As for posting over at EZboard TB2000, I only went there because Helium invited me. It's no big thing for me to post over there, I hate to see squabbling on any forum and I avoid it.

I remember Uncle Deedah and Ken Decker talking about LL's pictures one day at Bok's chatroom. They said she looked like Flo on the TV series "Alice." For someone who likes to threaten people, she's not very bright to leave so much evidence of who she is laying around. Some detective she is! LOL!

-- Anonymous, June 28, 2001

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