Old Git vegetarian !greenspun.com : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread |
Old Git I didn't know you were vegetarian. If it is on a religious basis, the book probably would not be important for you. If on the other hand it was just a philosophical or life style choice you could benifit greatly from the book as it shows quite clearly what the diet for mankind has been for millennia. As you know much of whats published these days is not necessarily the truth and that goes doubly for health and medical concerns. Here is a little snip from Amazon.comTry this diet!, June 5, 2001 Reviewer: Richard (see more about me) from San Francisco, CA USA This is the only effective (for me) and the only comfortable (yes!) diet I have ever been on in my whole lifetime! I let myself get 40 pounds overweight and in five months have lost almost 20 of them, eating things that are satisfying to me and lead me easily to refuse candy and cake passing by me without a thought--because what I can and do eat have from the second day revolutionized my blood sugar problem whereby I am comfortable all day and evening and not subject to the three to four daily roller coaster rides down into tenseness, anger, fear, and empty-mindedness that I experienced for 40 years. My "disposition" and mood have improved 1000%. Prior to this diet, I had gone on the typical prescribed diet for two months, was miserable and in torture 24 hrs. a day, and lost not one single pound. Now I am happy, my cholesterol count way down (but the good cholesterol proportionally up), my blood pressure way down. THIS IS A DIET I CAN LIVE ON and I am ordering the newer "Protein Power Lifetime Plan." I DO take good vitamin-mineral supplements: this is important.
-- Anonymous, June 26, 2001
Hi Johnny, thanks for finding that for me. I'm a philosophical vegetarian--and I don't buy new leather shoes or purses, either. I'm using those I bought years ago since the animals are dead and there's not much I can do about it now.I don't eat sugar, except chocolate candy if I have a sudden low blood sugar episode. I've even cut down on fruit by about half. I'm already losing weight from simply cutting out things like baked potatoes and limiting French fries (my downfall) to special occasions, thank goodness. Main-dish salads are very popular at Chez Git these days, especially now my tomatoes are kicking in.
I have to be careful about protein because diabetics are prone to kidney problems. My animal protein comes mainly from cheese and milk (also reduce in my current diet) and the rest is vegetable protein.
-- Anonymous, June 27, 2001
"I have to be careful about protein because diabetics are prone to kidney problems".Yes, you are certainly right about that. It sounds like you know what you are doing, keep up the good work.
-- Anonymous, June 27, 2001
LOL, I wouldn't say I know what I'm doing--more by accident than anything--but if it works, then I'll keep doing it! Good news on the sugar--looks as if it's stabilized, touch wood.I hope you'll keep posting things you find on diet and health--we're all interested in those two subjects, I think.
BTW, I didn't think Sweetie would notice I switched to Eggbeaters but he did. Damn!
-- Anonymous, June 27, 2001