repeat a vcd : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

when burning a vcd, is there any way of getting the thing to auto repeat for visual presentation purposes. I am using mgi videowave to generate an mpg 2 burn on vcd thanx

-- Neil Frazer (, June 26, 2001


If you have MGI videowave then you may also have a copy of EZCD Creator Delux since they usually get bundled together. If so you can put your MPG in the menu sequence. There it will loop forever. This method is simple and works. I'm sure that there are a million other ways to accomplish the same task.

-- me (, June 27, 2001.

Do you know any other solution beside using EZCD Creator? I am using Nero and could not find a way to do it. I read that Nero and EZCD Creator can not be loaded into one pc with window 2000 system so I can't use EZCD Creator. I appreciate if someone know any other way to do it.

Thanks Albert

-- Albert (, February 26, 2003.

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