Need Some Better : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread |
First exposed to forums in Mar '99 w/ the y2k wars. Havn't poked around much since but this and Poole's are gettin pretty dull. Any suggestions for more active sites that fit my temperment?Ridicule expected and accepted but honest answers appreciated.
-- Carlos (, June 26, 2001
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-- (a@few.options), June 26, 2001.
pooles roost is taking off; (G)
-- KoFE (your@town.USSA), June 26, 2001.
I feel the same way Carlos.
-- Lars (, June 26, 2001.
Dear Carlos and Lars,As things seem to be getting a little stale for you here at the Wild, Wild, West, might I suggest an alternative forum that would allow you to express yourselves more openly:
I’m not yet certain of your exact ‘temperament’ there Carlos, but perhaps we have a match.
I feel your pain.
-- Telinet (, June 26, 2001.
Telinet ( Interesting tryst. Offended my workmates. Thanks.
-- Carlos (, June 27, 2001.