PIZAA DELIVERY - Tips have increased 40% since Bush took over White House

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[OG Note: Having worked as a waitress for real to support elf and small child, I always overtip for good service So do other ex-wait staff I know. I wonder if this means the former White House admin folks never had to work at a crappy job to stay alive? So much for "being for the working folks of this country."]


Lotta Tips. He may not always be nice to reporters, but Senate Minority Leader Trent Lott (R-Miss.) is apparently very generous to drivers for Domino's Pizza.

Waheed Awsim, general manager for Domino's outlets in the D.C. area, tells HOH that Lott often places orders from his Capitol office and home on the Hill.

"He likes pepperoni pizza; he's a typical American," Awsim commented. "He's a very generous tipper."

Lott tips about $5 for a pie, according to Awsim. (The generosity may have something to do with the fact that Lott's son owns a Domino's franchise in another area.)

The 30-year-old Awsim recently won the World's Fastest Pizza Maker Competition in Las Vegas by making 14 pies in 155 seconds. It was the seventh crown for Awsim, who also says that White House tips have soared since the end of the Clinton administration.

"Ever since George W. Bush took office, tips have gone up about 40 percent."

-- Anonymous, June 25, 2001

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