Running laundry water to my shrubs : LUSENET : Archives- from C-side : One Thread

Running laundry water to my shrubs : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I plan to run our laundry water out beyond the back yard to water my privet hedge row. Can I buy some sort of flexible pipe/hose that I can attach to the regular pvc pipe? I want to be able to move it around so the water doesn't always run out in the same spot.

-- Elizabeth in e tx (, May 17, 2001


I did the same thing for my fern garden,I used sump pump drain hose it comes in 25 ft lengths for less than 10$ and should be avaiable at most hardware stores or even wal mart. Just remember when you use bleach to direct it away from your plants.

-- shawn (, May 17, 2001.

I use that system ,, I use black flexible hose,, looks like a small diameter drainage hose, only problem I have had,, is when I didnt roll it up before a freeze,, just created a few "leaks". MOst plumbing supply should have it, or good building supplies

-- stan (, May 17, 2001.

I am planning on doing the same this year. My question is how do you get it out of the house (cut a hole for the drain line?) and protect it from freezing in the winter????(zone 4/5).

-- Mary J (, May 17, 2001.

There isn't any problem with that - just watch the bleach!

Also... you can buy connectors so that you can water two or more areas at the same time (though the AMOUNT of water will suffer a little). Home Depot (or some such) should have all the parts. You might want to check both the plumbing and hvac sections to see about the best price (and don't forget to ASK about the clearance bin!! There was a post about that a couple months ago. The person said that there are sometimes bins in addition to the ones that are readily recognisable.

-- Sue Diederich (, May 17, 2001.

if you use the drainage hose, instead of pvc, there isnt a problem with freezing, since the water leaves the hose,, I just have to remember to roll it up after use

-- stan (, May 18, 2001.

Elizabeth, If your washer is located in the basement below grade, you might consider pumping your waste water into a plastic garbage can that has a sump pump in it, before you send it out to your plants. The pump on your washer was only designed to push water a few feet above the water line of your washer at max. The sump pump on the other hand will do the job with little or no problems at all.

-- Glenn (, May 19, 2001.

Be careful if you are using commercial laundry products. I thought about this several years ago for watering nonfood plantings and called the manufacturer. I don't remember which one at this point. They were pretty definite about not using the water on anything, just advised putting it down the drain, even the rinse water. I was using my wringer washer so this was an option. It was a while back but I remember reading that sodium carbamate was in that detergent and it's supposed to also be a herbicide. Sweet, huh? Check with the manufacturer if you are using commercial stuff, at any rate.

-- marilyn (, May 19, 2001.

-- (, June 24, 2001

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