PC virus patch

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

W97M_GOGA.A is a macro virus that exploits a vulnerability of Microsoft Word, which enables access to and execution of templates from the Internet, without prompting the built-in Macro security feature of Microsoft Word. It also gathers information about the infected user's computer such as password, username, and IP address, and submits the information to a Web site.

Microsoft has issued a patch for this vulnerability. For additional information about this macro virus, please visit Trend Micro at: http://www.antivirus.com/vinfo/virusencyclo/default5.asp?VName=W97M_GOGA.A

-- Anonymous, June 23, 2001


10 Most Prevalent In-The-Wild Malware Surveyed by Trend Micro US (week of: 06/11/2001 to 06/17/2001) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- 1. TROJ_BADTRANS.A 2. VBS_HAPTIME.A 3. JS_KAKWORM.A 4. PE_MAGISTR.A 5. TROJ_MTX.A 6. TROJ_HYBRIS.M 7. PE_MAGISTR.DAM 8. JOKE_SCROLL.A 9. TROJ_BYMER 10. TROJ_MTX.A.DLL SPECIAL OFFER: Webmasters, add free virus information updates to your Web site with our Virus Info Feed. Simply copy and paste a small piece of code to give your visitors a real-time top 10 list and the latest virus advisories. Setup takes approximately 10 minutes and requires no server-side code on your Web site. All content is updated automatically from Trend Micro's Web site. http://www.antivirus.com/syndication/vinfo/default.asp?ref=nwsltr

-- Anonymous, June 23, 2001


TASK MASTER Schedule utilities to run automatically. http://www.techtv.com/callforhelp/answerstips/story/0,23008,3311756,00 .html

-- Anonymous, June 23, 2001

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