FLORIDA VOTING - NC Sen Edwards says blacks were cheated

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(Remember, this guy keeps getting mentioned as a presidential candidate for 2004.)

Edwards Says Blacks Were Cheated in Florida Election

CHARLOTTE, 3:13 p.m. EDT June 22, 2001 -- Sen. John Edwards told an audience of mostly blacks that they were the victims of presidential election problems last year.

Edwards, a first-term Democrat, spoke Thursday a meeting of the National Baptist Convention USA, the country's largest primarily black church organization.

I'm outraged by what happened in Florida, particularly to African-American voters, he said. It was wrong. It was undemocratic, and we've got to see that it never, ever happens again.

Edwards also used his appearance before an audience that votes overwhelmingly for Democrats to promote campaign finance reform and a patients' bill of rights.

Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass.; Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz.; and Edwards are co-sponsoring the bill. President Bush has said he will veto it.

Your personal medical decisions should be made by you and your doctor, not some HMO bureaucrat sitting behind a computer screen, Edwards said.

The patients' bill of rights bill and recent trips have magnified Edwards' national image as he increasingly is mentioned as a possible presidential candidate in 2004. He was seriously considered as a running mate last year by Democratic candidate Al Gore.

Edwards attacked Bush, saying he is more focused on special interests than working families.

I'm mighty concerned about (Bush's) plans for this country, Edwards said. Instead of helping families, he often sides with the powerful special interests. In case he hasn't noticed, they don't need his help.

-- Anonymous, June 22, 2001


National Baptist convention? Hey, ain't that the group where "the most reverend" Henry Lyons got busted for stealin'? And his wife tried to burn down the $300k home Henry bought for his grilfriend? Same one? Oh.

-- Anonymous, June 22, 2001

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