OT - Asking for thoughts

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I don't normally do this sort of thing, so please forgive me if any of you are put out by my request.

I'm asking for extra thoughts and prayers that nothing happens with the new terrorist threats that has put our military on a higher alert in the Gulf area.

While I know that my husband isn't in the Gulf, I do know that he is currently in 'the general area'. I cannot wait until he returns home this time, as this is an area that he doesn't normally operate in. (now my paranoid mind wonders if TPTB knew that these threats might occur and thusly put my husband's crew in the 'general area'...)

So, please keep all of our military that currently are in this hot bed quagmire in your prayers.

-- Anonymous, June 22, 2001


Consider it done! So sorry you have this to worry about. He's part of our family. Afterall, you shared your gorgeous wedding picture with us! At least this time they seem to be taking some preventive action.

-- Anonymous, June 22, 2001

You got 'em from me, too. Wow. You've got a lot on your mind. . . .

-- Anonymous, June 22, 2001


will be praying for your hubby and all of the rest of the brave souls who are putting themselves in harm's way

it certainly does seem like good news that they are "on alert", brooks!

i sure wish that whole area of the world would settle down....

and sheeple.....let us know if you hear anything from your hubby.....would be nice to know that he's doing ok

-- Anonymous, June 22, 2001


Thanks for your thoughts for those guys and gals over there. My thoughts are constantly with them, even when my hubby is home. I have had serious dread about that area since the situation heated up in Israel last fall.

mebs, I won't hear from him again until he walks in the door. Seems that they'll be where ever they are until their return home flight. He said he might try to contact me, but figured just the connection alone would be about 50 bucks, let alone our conversation. So, we determined that he wouldn't call me. At the moment, he isn't even in a place where he can get his hotmail. :(

Let's just hope he returns safe and sound on the 3rd as planned, that that I have a house to give him for a birthday present!

-- Anonymous, June 22, 2001

My thoughts and prayers are with you Sheeple... my father's day present from my oldest son was a phone call wishing me happy father's day, and letting me know he's been assigned to Navy Seal Team 5...

God, please hold the peace over there, and watch over our guys...

-- Anonymous, June 22, 2001


I remember reading about your son and his SEAL training. You should be proud, and I know that you are.

Sometimes, things like this get to me, and you I'm sure. But when I think that if not for the brave souls like your son and my husband, that we wouldn't be able to enjoy the freedoms that we do. While I am not blind to some of the things wrong in this country, I still believe it is one of the best around. I'm proud to be an American, and very proud (with a little sadness thrown in) that my husband serves. It is people like them that allow us to sleep in peace at night. [My sadness is only that he is away and not able to spend as much time as he wishes with my son. They love one another to the core.]

While it is hard for us to see them leave each and every time, souls like that wouldn't be happy with the normal 9 to 5. My husband is nearing the end of his career (last tour), and is ready to tase what fruits are to be had from a civilian stand point. I just hope that he finds something that will keep him busy, cause I would hate for his thoughts to drift to constant travel.

Be thankful Carl, that your son is getting to see the world. While it may not always be the best the world has to offer, and usually pretty close to the worst, he will grow well beyond his years. When he is old, he'll be able to look back and perfectly recall some sun set he saw somewhere, when the moment was good. Too bad we all can't have such experiences.

-- Anonymous, June 22, 2001


That was beautifully said, and I agree with you 100%… I’ve traveled a lot, but there is no better place to live than America, period.

It’s poetic justice in a way, my worrying about Travis so much. I marched in more than a few protest against the war in Viet Nam, but in the end, volunteered for the 101st Airborne as soon as I was old enough. Every man in my family for as long as we know of has served in either the army or navy, except for one, my uncle Gary, and he lost his own private war not too long ago…

But I want my son, and my future grandkids to spoil, not a neatly folded flag and an honor guard… it’s hardest on those who wait, I think. Now I know why my mom was so pissed at me all those years ago...

-- Anonymous, June 22, 2001

One of the reasons Sweetie resigned his commission is because the cruises put such a strain on his first marriage. He figured eight years and combat missions in Grenada and Lebanon were enough to give to his country--actually 12 if you count ROTC/Corps of Cadets at Texas A&M, lol! My son is, I think, getting too old to be called up for anything so I hope to escape the worry of service in a hostile situation. That doesn't mean I don't empathize with nd have enormous gratitude for those who are away from home and may be in harm's way at any time.

-- Anonymous, June 23, 2001

But when I think that if not for the brave souls like your son and my husband, that we wouldn't be able to enjoy the freedoms that we do.


Here on the hilltop, we are ever mindful to keep our defenders of liberty close in thought and prayer. Especially now.


-- Anonymous, June 23, 2001

Sorry I am late, my prayers too, for sure!

-- Anonymous, June 23, 2001

Certainly my prayers are with every man and woman in the Service. As a civilian employee at the Defense Dept. for seven years, I can testify to the dedication and patriotism of our uniformed personnel.

-- Anonymous, June 23, 2001

bumping this to the top, sheeple......so you'll know that we're still praying for you and hubby...... for everyone who is out there protecting us, and those who are keeping the home fires burning

thanks, sheeple....for all that you do

-- Anonymous, June 25, 2001


Sorry I didn't get this in earlier.

He phoned me last night! He was calling from Australia, and we talked about 15 minutes. We didn't talk about his work or the situation. However, I know that they pulled them back to there for a couple of days, but he was getting ready to leave and return to where he was. He and his crew are A-OKAY!

He was just calling to check on the house. LOL! He wants that work shop something bad! :)

-- Anonymous, June 25, 2001

Thanks for the update, Sheeple. That's wonderful news!

How imminent is the house purchase?

-- Anonymous, June 25, 2001


My offer is valid until COB on July 9th. If after that time they haven't sold the house, I can extend my offer.

Seems like they are looking into the woman to see if she is indeed a 'hardship' case and thus the short sale. If they find her not a 'hardship', I'm not sure how that will change things.

She wants the house sold and is late 3+ months on payments. They were doing the short sale to keep from having to foreclose. I say sell it, and sell it to me.

-- Anonymous, June 25, 2001

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