PC tips prevent timeouts

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

Prevent Timeouts

If you're using a dial-up connection that sometimes terminates while you're in the kitchen getting a cup of coffee, you need some way to make sure your connection stays alive. One way to keep a connection alive is to use a program that constantly pings some address. One program that we like is called KeepMeConnected from Firework Software.

KeepMeConnected is freeware and you can get a copy at the handly link below.

- Sue Whitehouse

LIFE BYTES by John Forgetta

View the Internet Tip graphic. http://www.emazing.com/feeds/lb062201.gif

Get your free copy of KeepMeConnected -- just click here! http://www.fireworksoftware.com/resources/keepmeconnected/v12.html

-- Anonymous, June 22, 2001


SAR, thank you! thank you! I think my dial-up used to have an option that would prevent it from timing out, but it doesn't seem to be there any more. I'm safe if I'm constantly receiving (like an Art Bell archive). Otherwise, I have had to adjust my life to 30-second segments.

-- Anonymous, June 22, 2001

I set my email to check every minute, and also set the dial up to never disconnect.

Later I went to every two minutes on the email, and now with the DSL I have it every three, and set to never disconnect.

-- Anonymous, June 22, 2001

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