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Careful Car Care To save the finish on your car, the experts say not to use hand dishwashing liquid or cleaners that may be too harsh and dull the finish of your car. Instead, wash it only with soap formulated especially for auto finishes. Clean it on a regular basis.
-- Anonymous, June 21, 2001
As I posted a couple months ago, I discovered the success with which one can use acetone (for lack of any turpentine in the house) to strip the black vinyl finish on the car door jamb where I managed to lay a hand covered with wet white paint. (Well, I simply had to open the car to reach for the garage door opener remote so I could finish painting the garage molding that I had scuffed up in one of my crazed ventures last year backing out and spinning the steering wheel a might early.)It's not like my car's owner manual bothers to warn me about these things. For that matter, SAR, how 'bout posting these tidbits BEFORE I need to know...
-- Anonymous, June 21, 2001 think I'm PSYCHIC or something....Bwaaaaahahahahahahaha!!!!
-- Anonymous, June 21, 2001