It was a beautiful day. The sun was out. The air was clean. Cherri was relaxing in the pool. : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

-- (idylic@summer .day), June 21, 2001


Asshole, Why don't you get a life and leave Cherri alone? I can't wait for you to get back to grade school.

-- Marg (, June 22, 2001.

grade school? that's a stretch, don'tcha think?

-- Uncle Bob (, June 22, 2001.

Any pigfuckers out there?

Just wondering, how do you do these big ones? Your dick would have to be at least 10 inches to go doggy-style, wouldn't it? Or do you just have to use both hands to spread that blubber out of the way and hold it up there?

Whazzup wit dat?

-- curious george (how does @ this. work?), June 22, 2001.

“Any pigfuckers out there?”

One, that I know of.

-- George (is@too.curious), June 22, 2001.

Whoa.. its Cherri.. Hey Cherri Im sure you are much more of a fucking pig than this you lowlife whore! HAHA MUST SUCK TO HAVE NO self esteem huh Cherri you fat fucking whore!

Look in the mirror Cherri.. your disgusting.

-- penis enlargement (, June 22, 2001.

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