SL..tool tip!!! IMP. : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

Tool Maintenance

Struck tools, such as a splitting wedge or a cold chisel, are found in many homeowner toolboxes. These tools can be very dangerous if they're not properly maintained. As they are struck repeatedly, the head mushrooms or spreads out to form a lip or ridge around the edge. The danger arises when striking causes a piece of the "mushroomed" edge to fly off (and it will) and become shrapnel. The fix is easy. Grind the edges off regularly and the hazard will no longer exist. You still have to watch out for your thumb, though.

- Stephen Corwin

OH mY.....I did NOT know this, and we have 4 wedge thingies that have this "mushroom" top on them!!!!

-- Anonymous, June 21, 2001

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