HYPOCRITES - Barbra and Barbaragreenspun.com : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread |
http://www.rushlimbaugh.com/home/daily/site_062001/content/tape.guest.htmlOne of the lessons I've repeatedly taught over the course of many years here behind the Golden EIB Microphone is that liberals have two sets of rules. One set for everyone to live by, and another for them to live by. They're kind of like little kids playing a game, making up rules for all of us, but exempting themselves from following them.
I bring this up because of Babs. There are some people I choose not to even publicize after awhile, but I'm forced into it here because this is just too good. Barbra Streisand, on her website, has urged people to forego their washing machines and dryers and hang everything outside instead. She's telling people to set their thermostats this summer to 78 degrees when they're home, and 85 degrees when out, air dry dishes instead of using the dry cycle on the dishwasher, the laundry list goes on.
All of this is part of Babs energy conservation manifesto. The New York Times quotes the celebrity saying, "We must make concrete changes in our lifestyles to help solve this energy crisis." But I have to ask, is she practicing what she's preaching here? You don't believe for a minute, do you, that Barbra Streisand is hanging her clothes on a clothesline behind her house in Santa Monica or Malibu? Do you really think she's out there hanging up that Armani dress?
As usual, her spokesman said what I already knew. That Barbra never really meant that any of this necessarily applied to her. Oh no, of course not. Listen folks, she can say whatever she wants, but in terms of being an informed, credible political thinker, it just isn't there. She's not an intellectual, nobody has to listen to her, but unfortunately quite a few dunderheads do.
It's interesting how celebrities are never called upon to lead by example. They get away with preaching to everybody about how we all ought to live, but if it cramps their style, which is usually the case, then what they say doesn't necessarily apply to them. It's amazing, but when it comes to celebrities, people aren't seeing hypocrites - they're just seeing stars.
Or dollar signs… which is the case with California Senator Barbara Boxer. It was last week, ladies and gentlemen, that we unearthed the real beat on Boxer. The New York Times had a story that ran last Saturday about Barbara Boxer pocketing tens of thousands of dollars in profits from energy investments. And last Friday the LA Times reported that she pocketed tens of thousands of dollars in quick profits on active trading of energy stocks last year.
Her energy jackpot included a killing of up to 50 thousand dollars from the sale of stock in Halliburton, the oil services company that Dick Cheney ran at the time. Yet she turns around and is now complaining that Cheney's an oil guy. She made money off of Cheney for crying out loud!
Records show that Boxer engaged in a flurry of highly profitable energy trades throughout last year cashing in big-time with investments in Duke Energy, El Paso Energy, and Diamond Offshore Drilling, Inc. Here she is investing in a company that does offshore drilling, when she steadfastly opposes it politically. According to The LA Times, "She bought shares in energy companies in at least sixty six transactions, and by the end of the year held stakes whose combined worth was estimated between $126 thousand and $350 thousand dollars."
Need I say more? Listen for yourself in the audio link below.
(…play Boxer's hypocritical sound bites)
-- Anonymous, June 20, 2001