I don't think it is me...I think it is EZ board.greenspun.com : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread |
and I just got mail.....but can't get to IC...oh well!!!!Storm is coming again, will check later.
-- Anonymous, June 20, 2001
SAR, was thinking about your compuetr probs this morning. Do you have anything electrical on the same circuit (yeah, like printer, fax, scanner, cordless phone, etc., etc., lol), that might be having an effect?Couple of years ago my screen started to, like, vibrate! I figured it was on the blink and just dealt with it. Then I moved things around and when I switched on the computer, the monitor was fine. Must ahve shaken something loose, I thought. Then I plugged in the electric clock--bingo! The screen started shaking again. (Not plugged into the same outlet but on the same circuit.)
More recently, I've found that my scanner, when it's plugged in as opposed to operating via battery alone, has a terrible effect on my computer. All sorts of things go wrong with it.
Anyway, try unplugging stuff, one thing at a time, see if your computer performance improves.
-- Anonymous, June 20, 2001
I will be checking this!!!! this evening know..know on wood, seems to be ok...dan thinks they do omething with the satelite...but brightnet is one of the mail servers, and yahoo, both would not work today, photosasa was out , and I think ez board. but I am here now!!!! (Lucky you!!!! hehehehe)
-- Anonymous, June 21, 2001