Hell Freezes Over: Milne's Repent

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread


-- (amazing@but.true), June 20, 2001


That made me a little nauseous........


-- Deano (deano@luvthebeach.com), June 20, 2001.

To those of you whom were offended by his words, Paul offers no excuse for his poor deportment and offers you his humble apology and request for forgiveness.

As he is not allowed to post, this is the only way that his apology may be communicated to all of you.

What a pussy.

-- (nemesis@awol.com), June 20, 2001.

It's getting pretty thick over there. Everyone's apologizing to everyone else, like here.

I wonder if Paul will ever apologize to the many pollies he verbally tormented over the many years also?

a favorite from 10/30/1999. . .

Look, ASSSHOLE,....May I call you ASSHOLE?

LOL, at least he said "may i."

-- (amazing@but.true), June 20, 2001.

…..and you expect a pig farmer to be a diplomat?

-- Telinet (like@it.is), June 20, 2001.

You fuckers are so jealous. Simply because you cant get along here does not mean they cant there. It takes a man to apologize. That is why I no longer post much here.

-- Marg (okay@cut.away), June 20, 2001.


In this case, it took a man hiding behind his wife's skirts to apologize.

-- Tarzan the Ape Man (tarzan@swingingthroughthejunglewithouta.net), June 20, 2001.

LOL, we get along great here, you stupid bitch. How many times have you heard anyone whining about getting someone banned or being banned or getting all pissed off because someone said "ignoramus?"

I lay 10 to 1 odds that Paul's calling people names again within 7 days of his return, if he really does return.

By the way, Marg, since everyone's getting along so well, when will you be apologizing to Lynnie for supporting all the insults Paul spewed at her, huh? Yeah, I thought so.

-- (im@so.jealous), June 20, 2001.

Dear I'm so jealous. Wazza matta? Are you jealous? Yes I thought so. At least WE help others. When was the last time you did something/ANYTHING to help another human being? This place is beginning to bore me along with each and everyone of you idots here as well. Jealous of good people because you are all so worthless, spewing your hatred constantly at anyone and everyone who does not share your beliefs, of which you have NONE. This place sickens me.

-- Marg (okay@cut.away), June 20, 2001.

This place is beginning to bore me along with each and everyone of you idots here as well. Jealous of good people because you are all so worthless, spewing your hatred constantly at anyone and everyone who does not share your beliefs, of which you have NONE. This place sickens me.

Talk about spewing hatred! Good night Marg, take the log out of your eye before you touch the speck in the eye of your brother.

-- Tarzan the Ape Man (tarzan@swingingthroughthejunglewithouta.net), June 20, 2001.

I'm sorry about that, Marg.

-- Bemused (and_amazed@you.people), June 20, 2001.

Marg, just because the people here don't drone on and on and on and on about how much they HELP people, doesn't mean they don't HELP people.

They just don't feel a need to fly a damn banner every time they do.

-- (PatriciaS@lasvegas.com), June 20, 2001.


You have to learn to ignore the ignorant. There ARE good people here, believe it or not.

When I opened this board I promised folks that they would not be censored here, and most of us realized that meant that the trolls would have the freedom to post their nonsense right along with the folks who want to post thoughtful ideas.

Hell Marg, I have been VERY tempted MANY times to use my Godlike power to delete this or that post, but I have so far been able to control that urge. What I do instead is try to ignore the nonsense and focus on the stuff that I find to have some value. It's called "self regulation" and maybe it's not for everyone, but if you are going to hang here you will need to police your own mind.

BTW, I enjoy your "take no shit" attitude, I hope ya stick around.


It's real nice to see you again, glad you have come out of your shell.

( ;P

-- Uncle Deedah (unkeed@yahoo.com), June 20, 2001.

Okay, Troll, CLOSE but, NO CIGAR.(You'll have to get it from Clinton) This is the first time I have posted today so everything posted above is not the real deal. Thanks, Unk, I plan on sticking around.

-- Marg (okay@cutaway.com), June 20, 2001.

Then I owe you an apology, Marg; sorry, I thought that was you.

Unk, missed ya ;-)

-- (PatriciaS@lasvegas.com), June 20, 2001.

No apology necessary, Patricia. That particular troll is pretty good but, he screwed up on the sentence structure. I guess he fooled everybody. It's a relief actually. I thought I was not popular with "my trolls" anymore, and was starting to feel left out.:)

-- Marg (okay@cutaway.com), June 20, 2001.

It was me. I am so tired of these rotten trolls. I post and call it as I see it. I am not ashamed and rarely apologize. Nice try troll.

-- Marg (okay@cutaway.com), June 22, 2001.

Forgive me. I'm losing my mind.

-- Marg (okay@cutaway.com), June 22, 2001.


You have to learn to ignore the ignorant. There ARE good people here, believe it or not."

There are? Where are they? Looks like the majority of the people here like to insult one another. Poor Cherri.......

-- nasty one (nastyone@nastie.dot), June 22, 2001.

any body here beside me figger Marg is Old Git?

-- (seems@to.me), June 22, 2001.

There are? Where are they? Looks like the majority of the people here like to insult one another.

Well if I start to name them I will probably leave a name or two out, and I ain't gonna play that game. I really like the good folks here, and I would feel terrible if I left any of their names off of the "true good folks" list. But if you pay attention to the posters here you will be able to figure out for yourself which ones are worthy and which are not, but first you will need to take your head out of your ass.

Oooops, I just insulted you. Guess that means my name comes off the list!

-- Uncle Deedah (unkeed@yahoo.com), June 22, 2001.

Oh, what a relief, I see my trolls are back!!!!WWhat little freaks you must be in real life. No, I'm not old Git. That's a hoot.

-- Marg (okay@cutaway.com), June 22, 2001.

"Looks like the majority of the people here like to insult one another."

When Punch and Judy fight, we all laugh and clap with delight.

-- Break out the cookies and milk (aimless@national_raffle_association.org), June 22, 2001.

Old Git has better things to do than to post here. And so do I these daze.

-- (anotherbrick@the.wall), June 22, 2001.

Yeah, like going over to the old TimeBomb forum to bitch about being censored. Ha!!

-- (OldGit@hypo.crite), June 22, 2001.

Ho-ray Unk! You da man!

-- (dit@dot.dunk), June 22, 2001.

Old Git is here. Her forum is only four down at http://greenspun.com/bboard/q-and-a-challenge.tcl?topic=Current%20News

Do you really think she would be that close and not post here? She may even be Marg.

-- (shes @ dried up catfish with .breasts), June 22, 2001.

Unk is the voice of reason, as usual.

-- Bemused (and_amazed@you.people), June 22, 2001.

I am not old git for the final time. However, I happen to be a friend of Old Git's. With that being stated, perhaps you should take up the quarrel with her. I am certain though that this place is getting worse with the insults. Uncle Deedah, perhaps you really should look at your own face in the mirror. While at it, go fuck yourself.

-- Marg (okay@cutaway.com), June 25, 2001.

You heard her Unk, but PULLEEASE not in front of the mirror.

-- Telinet (like@it.is), June 25, 2001.

Old Git has a friend? I have this terrible image of Marg and Old Git in a well-known numerical position. Think I’ll burn out my eyes.

-- Roadkill (would@look.better), June 25, 2001.

No, they're not friends. Marg's troll is at it again. Ho hum.

-- (marg@has.a.troll), June 25, 2001.

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