PC tip Changing your home pagegreenspun.com : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread |
Changing Your Home PageWhether you use Netscape or Microsoft Internet Explorer, you may decide that you would rather use a home page other than the one assigned by default. To change the homepage in Microsoft Internet Explorer, navigate to the page you want to use and then choose Tools|Internet Options. When the dialog box opens, click the General tab (if necessary). Now, under "Home page," click Use Current and then click OK.
In Netscape (we're using Navigator), navigate to the page you want to use and choose Edit|Preferences. When the Preferences dialog box opens, click Use Current Page and then click OK.
- Sue Whitehouse
My note.....I changed my home page to google...it builds quick, and not many graphics...then I can go from there.
-- Anonymous, June 20, 2001