:) Old Git and her first kitty....

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

-- Anonymous, June 20, 2001


Gawd, you found someone who knew me all those years ago!!!

-- Anonymous, June 20, 2001

Anyone else familiar with the (Sunday only?) comic strip, Get Fuzzy? It features a clueless pooch, a cat-with-a-bigtime-attitude, and their beleaguered owner.

-- Anonymous, June 20, 2001

Here we go!


-- Anonymous, June 20, 2001

Oh, and the one that got my original attention (wonder if the TimeBomb folks saw it)...

http://www.unitedmedia.com/comics/getfuzzy/archive/getfuzzy- 20010520.html

-- Anonymous, June 20, 2001

I like this one:

heh heh heh

-- Anonymous, June 20, 2001

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