SHT trying to simplify your life??? : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread


17 Signs That You're Overwhelmed By Elaine St. James

A year or so before I made the decision to simplify my life, I was in my dentist's office. After commenting that my back teeth were showing signs of wear, my dentist asked if I was under a lot of stress. I looked at him, almost affronted, and said (I thought, quite honestly), "No, not at all! Certainly no more than the next person."

I look back on that now and see not only how preposterous that response was, but also how totally out of touch I was with the level of tension under which I was working. The stress I lived with had become such a normal part of my everyday work life that it seemed perfectly natural to me. And as I looked around at the people I knew who were living much the same way, they all seemed normal, too.

So it's perfectly reasonable if you are questioning your need to simplify your work life. After all, your pace might not be any more hectic than many people you know. Here are a few questions for you to consider. They may help you decide if the time has come to cut back.

Do you have more phone calls to make than you can fit on one page of your day planner? Do you find that the only time you have to organize your day planner is when you're stopped at a red light? Do you find that you're so busy you don't have time to look at your day planner? Do you know when your work life ends and your home life begins? Do your kids know when your work life ends and your home life begins? Does your boss know when your work life ends and your home life begins? Do you know your co-workers better than you know your kids? Are you having trouble remembering when you worked only 40 hours a week? Are you having trouble remembering when you worked only 60 hours a week? Do you frequently find that you can't remember where you were going? Do you often find that you can't remember why you're going wherever it is you were going? Do you ever find that you don't know where you're going and you couldn't care less? Have you had a toothache for the past month but haven't had time to call the dentist? Are you having trouble remembering the last time you had a sit-down meal with your family? Are you having trouble remembering the last time you watched a sunset? Are you having trouble remembering the last time you stopped to smell the roses? Are you having trouble remembering the last time you stopped?

Obviously the decision to cut back is a subjective one, but if you are chagrined to admit how many questions you answered yes to, you may be a prime candidate for simplifying your work life.

Elaine St. James is the author of Simplify Your Work Life (Hyperion, 2001)

Copyright 2001 Elaine St. James, Universal Press Syndicate

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-- Anonymous, June 19, 2001


I am delighted to tell you that I have not had a day planner since the first half of 1987. My calendar consists of sticking little post-its so they stick out of my 365 Cats Calendar pages.

-- Anonymous, June 19, 2001

And if the post its drop really didn';t need to remember it anyway!!!!

-- Anonymous, June 19, 2001

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