Maria's panties are in a bind, Dubya is going BACK to Europe in July : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

Bush Plans Visit to Kosovo in July

So is Europe important, or is Dubya as "slow" as advertised? Well Maria what is your answer?

-- (bush@twofaced.scum), June 19, 2001


What is your view Scummo? Should there be American "peacekeeping" troops in this perpetually troubled land? IMO, it's a tough call.

I'm not convinced that American blood should be spent here. Who are the good guys, who are the bad guys?

-- Lars (, June 19, 2001.

No clue Lars.

But I will tell you what, that Chandra Levy story is sure fascinating don't ya think?

bout oil pipeline control Lars, not human rights or sovereignty

-- (bush@twofaced.scum), June 19, 2001.

I'm not convinced that American blood should be spent here. Who are the good guys, who are the bad guys?

The French are bad. Italians are great, as are the Polish and Spanish. Germans are boring, as are the Swiss. The British are still, well, us (or we are still them.). Deploy the troops accordingly.

-- Bemused (and_amazed@you.people), June 19, 2001.

But what do we call the Belgians?

-- Enlightenment (, June 19, 2001.

I didn't think thongs could get into a bind!

If you know me as well as you think you do, then you know my answer to your stupid question.

-- Maria (, June 19, 2001.

A bit of perspective

-- Hardliner (, June 19, 2001.

Bemused: In France?

-- (, June 19, 2001.

"bout oil pipeline control Lars, not human rights or sovereignty"

ooooh, ooooooh, those big evil corporations!!!!! (lions and tigers and bears oh oh!!!)

Why can't we just all get along and have government jobs??!!

-- libs are idiots (, June 19, 2001.

Patricia: What, troop deployment? No, I think an quick air war in which we drop McDonalds coupons and Euro-Disney brochures for six weeks straight would suffice. It would be like a type of neutron bomb that only destroys culture.

-- Bemused (and_amazed@you.people), June 19, 2001.

Waistlines and circulatory systems too, Bemused.

-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, June 19, 2001.


Maybe Chandra's parents think it's fascinating.

Why do you change the subject when I answered your original "question"?

-- Lars (, June 20, 2001.

Was it 'bout oil control when Clinton originally intervened? Was it 'bout oil control when Tony Lewis regularly opined in the NY Times that our involvement was needed to save the Bosnians from Serb genocide? (You know the Serbs, a former Soviet client state).

I say keep Americans out of the Balkan shithole unless there is a "a clear and present danger" to the US. Then declare war. Enough of this wag-the-dog "peacekeeping".

Reluctantly, I say the same about the middle east. (Israel-Palestine).

I have a relative involved in Balkans and I tend to get pissed at this situation. Smells like Viet Nam to me.

BTW, as a personal favor, please don't use tiny type.

-- Lars (, June 20, 2001.

Enough of this wag-the-dog "peacekeeping".

Lars, I couldn't agree more

-- Maria (, June 20, 2001.

Lars do you honestly think MOST Americans 'do not' share your opinion?

Does anyome want another Vietnam?

Who thinks it wise to send our troops running all over the world?

Does anyone seriously believe there will EVER be any lasting resolution to the Israeli issue?

Clinton was only different than Bush in the fact he represents a different group of World Capitalists than GW does. Bosnia is about OIL, and which power will ultimately have the control of the area, then and now. Rest is "chatter" for normal folks who do not fully understand the depth of the scam afoot. Any reference to history or human rights crusades is largely SMOKE for the naive. PR for folks who still have full faculty of their minds and understand the true meaning of terms like appropriateness, integrity, and honesty.

The game is fought on many fronts by these Capitalists. One of the biggest prizes to be won is which one can gain the wider support of the TRULY powerful in this world, the American People.

It is a game. Will anything ever change? doubtful if history is any teacher.

-- (bush@twofaced.scum), June 20, 2001.

Show of hands, Who honestly thinks GW gives a flying fuck about what a Frenchman has to say? The Texas GW? before all the badly fitting suits and the crystal stemware replaced his "thermos" GW?

GW like many in this country do not care one ioda what a bunch of Socialistically-leaning Europeans have to say about anything. Does this stop GW? course not as he is bought and paid for by interests that DO CARE what Eurpoeans think. So he trots off carry the good message of the golfin buddies.

GW can try and look interested. GW can attempt to act like he was born on Park Avenue, but the photos don't lie. Laura Bush can try to avoid her flip-flop look, and some may buy it, French designers are not.

GW would do better to show-up in Denmark wearing what Alan Jackson does every bloody day. At least then something real may transpire. Short of that, GW is your everday suck-up.

-- (bush@twofaced.scum), June 20, 2001.

Sorry eyeroller, I am not as big a conspiracy buff as you.

-- Lars (, June 20, 2001.

Maybe you should entertain the trait Lars, help ya understand the BS better.

Again, another who has not the FAITH they were born with. They sit fatass in OVERabundance and choose(they think), to believe in scarcity. To buy into FEAR and HELPLESSNESS. To support THE GUY NEXT DOOR as the best we can cough up as our chief executive officer(not that Slick was any better). Fucking PATHETIC!

WE HAVE NO BUSINESS being in the BALKANS as it sits now, period end of fucking story. GW BUSHBRAINS has no business even getting within a continent of the place unless he decides to get HONEST with the people he preports to represent. Short of that I get to call the guy what he is, A JOKE.

Sooner you babies here grow some balls the better. GW sucks, so did Bill, Geo Sr, Raygun and the rest of the clowns the PTB have trotted out every four years as some choice.


-- (bush@twofaced.scum), June 20, 2001.

Thanks for the insight. I always thought you were a straight partisan. Now I think I see you as a tweedledee-tweedledummer with a partisan bias. Me too, different bias of course.

Conspiracies everywhere? Yeah, 'spose so but I prefer to a err on the side of naivete than on the side of cynicism.

I'll be curious to see if you ever become a true-believer in a party or person. About a year ago, I had some hope for McCain. No more.

I confess, I don't follow your 2nd paragraph above. I agree with your 3rd. That is one reason I voted for Bush. He claimed he would disengage from the Balkans.

-- Lars (, June 20, 2001.

Clinton was only different than Bush in the fact he represents a different group of World Capitalists than GW does.

Ummm, so when are you going to start calling yourself "Clinton/Bush@twofaced.scum"?

-- Uncle Deedah (, June 20, 2001.

Unk, Clinton represents the "good" group of World Capitalists.

-- Maria (, June 20, 2001.

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