ND- A couple of hunches on EQsgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread |
OG suggested me putting these here.Squak, squak, squak, squak....that's right, you are hearing the sound of a scared chicken (me) about to post this stuff here. I am new at this, so don't think what I say is a 100%, for sure thing to happen. I think I put 55% on Sedalia and 60% on the one in Utah. I am just testing my wings, so to speak.
These were also posted on the prediction board of Syzygy. The first prediction was this one in France and as you can see I got it right:
The second one was the coast of Baja, CA., the magnitude and place was right but, was off a few days when it happened.
These are still up in the air:
Thru the 21st of June, 3.5+ mag., within 100 miles of Sedalia, MO.
Thru the 30th of June, 3.8+ mag., Utah 38 to 40 North 111 to 114 West.
-- Anonymous, June 19, 2001
There's supposed to be a window of increased activity coming up, June 20-27, related to factors like the eclipse, extreme tides, etc.
-- Anonymous, June 19, 2001
Hi Maggie!!!! I lost your addy and hadn't seen you posting! missed you!!!!I will tell a few at IC that get the aches and pains, if there is a BIG "for sure" I'll cross post if it is ok, or you come grab what you want. I will go back to just posting by date, so it will be easier to see the "window" of feelings and actuall events!
-- Anonymous, June 19, 2001
Mags, feel free to post whatever weird vibes you get. We all know that not all of them will pan out--hell, computers aren't 100% accurate either and look at all the fine tuning that's been done on them by millions of people for years!My mother was Irish and had a bit of "second sight" so you won't find me scoffing.
-- Anonymous, June 19, 2001
maggie, I just posted this at IC....some used to visit Sygy's
Maggie is trying to keep a running tally on hits for when the "symptoms come, what there are, and when /if a volcanoe or Quake hits.
anyone up for it? Does anyone have a problem cross posting it to Currents. (meaning I think Maggie will come copy it) if you wish to visit currents, it is passworded, please email me.
-- Anonymous, June 19, 2001
Brooks, the window you spoke of, should be an interesting period. JOB, at Syzygy, has put up his predictions for that window at his site.Hi SAR, feel free to add to this with other post. As I said in the begining, I just wanted to share what Old Git suggested me posting. By the way, how do I get some of your wonderful energy?
-- Anonymous, June 20, 2001