
greenspun.com : LUSENET : Aeon Flux : One Thread

Hey does anyone knows a cool page where I can find Aeon's quotes? Thanx

-- Yad Rubio (Yad83@hotmail.com), June 18, 2001


Nope, but that's a good idea. What about episode scripts? Are they online anyone?

-- ONAN (support@microsoft.com), July 02, 2001.


-- Lady Morgan (AeonFluxFan1@msn.com), July 02, 2001.

Seriously, a consolidated book of Aeon quotes would come in handy. Can't you just see yourself in some innane conversation and you just liven it up with something like: "That which does not kill us, makes us stranger." Asstacular! Cocktail soiree's would be worth attending just for that. I've also noticed "Deep Thoughts" quotes by Jack Handey can be subbed in for entertainment. Other favorite Aeon Flux quotes: "Tell me the truth, and I will not believe you." "Clean gloves hide dirty hands, and mine are dirtier than most." " You've lost the substance by grasping at the shadow." "Now that you're here, the standard method of procreation does suddenly seem appealing." Slip these in and eyes will be rolling at the opera house tonight.

-- Heather G. (aeon5@hotmail.com), October 27, 2001.

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