Who is Mark Tobler? and...greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread |
why won't he stop CENSORING his identity?I want to know WHO he is! his email! his home phone number! his work phone! his address! his wereabouts for every minute for the last five years!
How long do we have to put-up with this CENSORSHIP?????
I want to know why he even has to post multiple times. Why he cannot just give us all his thoughts in one massive posting. WHY does he chose to hold back? censor himself? post piecemeal? dammit why does he hold back?
-- (w@nker.detector), June 18, 2001
Yeah, what Wanker Detector said! I wanna know where Tobler works so I can whine to his employer about his obsessive-compulsive behavior. I want my very own obsession and compulsion.
-- -- (w@nker.detector's.echo), June 18, 2001.
Who exhibited an obsession with Diane Squire in the past?Who blamed Diane Squire for a failed romance in the past?
Who has exhibited obsessive-compulsive behaviour on bulletin boards in the past?
Who constantly belittled other posters as being less well educated in the past? (Other than Decker.)
Who was a student at a university while spamming a bulletin board in the past?
-- echo echo echo (yodel@hee.whooooo), June 18, 2001.
If you don't understand the importance of editing and censoring written information on a public forum, I suggest you go to college. It is the most enlightening experience you will ever have. . . .-- Mark Tobler (Mark_Tobler@UK.com), June 18, 2001.
-- (College@college.college), June 18, 2001.
I am scion of the House of Tobler, makers of fine Swiss chocolates. I moved to UK to escape those darn dirndls.Also, in the UK, people do not judge on the basis of dental caries. The Brits love their candy and have the dental hygeine to prove it. I have scored with many a limey lady by slipping her a Toblerone at the "magic moment".
-- (Mark_Tobler_@_Ministry_of_silly.dendistries), June 18, 2001.
Tobler, my ass, that's friggin' Andy Ray! Remember how he had this campaign to get Timebomb kicked off Greenspun and he spammed the president of MIT? Some of his posts on debunky were to get support and help in writing to MIT. Well he's doing the same thing here, trying to get people to spam IU. Andy, you have to change your MO, dude!Hey, Andy, how do you feel about Blair giving himself that humongous damn raise? What was it, 70,000 pounds or something like that? Now THAT's something to bitch about. Who do you complain to about something like that?
-- Sweet (White@Powdered.Butt), June 18, 2001.
I am not Andy Ray.
-- Mark Tobler (Mark_Tobler@looksmart.co.uk), June 18, 2001.
"Sweet white powdered butt" is right. It is that self-righteous prick Andy Ray.And don't give us that shit about you scoring with women, sonny. If you were able to, you wouldn't be doing this.
-- El sombro (pathetic@andy.ray), June 18, 2001.
I think you Rhodes Scholars have the wrong ‘Andy’. Andy Ray is an American if memory serves me correctly and the ‘English’ Andy was the gold bug from days gone by. As usual, facts rarely get in the way when the dead of brain start to post.
-- Dummy's (R@us.com), June 18, 2001.
You know, there was another whiney limey on the old Timebomb. What the hell was his name? Something to do with a wolf. He also posted at debunky. I remember he was going to invite some of the debunkies to his wife's Spanish castle or something. He was a self-righteous prick too.
-- Sweet (White@Powdered.Butt), June 18, 2001.
I think that was Wolverine. Favorite pastime was pissing on everything American.
-- I remember (Long@memory.not), June 18, 2001.
Dummy's R Us: Wrong-o, mackerel-breath. Both Andys were from England. Wolverine (thank you, I Remember) and Andy Ray were very similar. They may have been the same asshole. Andy the goldbug was much more fun.
-- Sweet (White@Powdered.Butt), June 18, 2001.
Incorrecto Sweet meat. Andy the gold bug was a self-proclaimed little limey tooth fairy and the only thing amusing about the wanker was his disappearance. Andy Ray was a voice of reason against the screaming pigs.
-- The (way@it.was), June 18, 2001.
So you think Tobler (aka Wolverine and/or Andy Ray) is a voice of reason? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
-- Sweet (White@Powdered.Butt), June 18, 2001.
Andy Ray
Three different people shit-for-brains. Now, stop giggling and wipe the powder off your face. Take a deep breath….and hold it.
-- The (way@it.are), June 18, 2001.
Andy (goldbug) was a Britt living in the US. Wolverine resided in the UK. Andy Ray hinted at living in AU, but that was never clearly established. Wolverine tangled with Old Git (also a transplanted Britt) from time to time, and his style was very in-your-face. Andy Ray's style was much more...eh...politely condescending is the best way to describe it. Except when he wasn't faking doomerist posts for his "research"I suppose all three could be the same, but I don't think so.
-- I remember (Long@memory.not), June 19, 2001.
Now I am really confused. Are you saying that the possibility exists that Andy, Andy Ray, Mark Tobler, Old Git, and Wolverine are all the same person. I find that hard to believe. Why not throw in the Cascadians, lynnie, Flint and Little Nipper as well.
-- confused florida voter (Is@Buchanan.Gore?), June 19, 2001.
Because none of them are Britts, silly.
-- They (do@talk.funny), June 19, 2001.
Who is Mark Tobler?A Google search on "Mark Tobler UK" only turns up one reasonable candidate. Variants on this search path did not reveal any better candidates.
That would be one "Mark Tobler" from Southwestern Louisiana State University, who was recently working as a grad student for the Max Planck Institute of Chemical Ecology, in the Department of Genetics and Evolution. The Institute gave a name, but no current email address.
It is not a far stretch to think that such a person could have an interest in memetics, access to the web, and a strong connection to the UK at present. This candidate also fits the obvious profile of being a sheltered young man who might easily have overly-idealized sentiments about universities and censorship.
However, this is just a guess. I would give it a 60% chance of being correct.
-- I'm just guessing (not@clear.who), June 19, 2001.
I think this Tobler is a made-up name. It's someone who was around on the original Timebomb and who either has downloaded a CD of the entire damn thing or who has password access, otherwise it's too time-consuming to search the whole thing for threads and quotes. From what we can tell, the cascadians are the only ones who have the new password. Or maybe this person has unlimited time and can sit at the computer all day and half the night reading all those tired old threads.Go figure.
-- Whooooo (could@it.be???), June 19, 2001.
Who Am I? I am me.
-- Mark Tobler (tobler@net.com), April 29, 2002.