PC tips...sounds!

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

Assigning Sounds To Microsoft Internet Explorer Events

When you want to assign sounds to various Microsoft Internet Explorer events, you don't look in Microsoft Internet Explorer. Instead you have to assign sounds using the Windows Control Panel. To assign sounds, click Start|Settings|Control Panel. When Control Panel opens, double-click Sounds (or Sounds and Multimedia -- depends on your version of Windows). With the Sounds dialog box open, click the Sounds tab and then scroll down through "Sound Events" list and apply a sound selection to each of the events to which you want to assign a sound.

As an example, click Complete Navigation and then click the arrow at the right side of the "Name" list box. Select a sound from the list and then select another event and repeat the procedure. When you're finished click OK to close the dialog box and save your selection.

- Sue Whitehouse

-- Anonymous, June 18, 2001

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