What was the best advice your dad ever gave you?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread |
Mine told me, You can judge a person by their handshake. Look the person in the eye, and grab ahold of their hand. well, if you ever meet me in real life....you'll see how that has always stayed with me!
-- Anonymous, June 17, 2001
Sar,That was good advice from your dad, and is something that I have practiced all my adult life. I have a very firm handshake for a woman, and it surprises most men and about 98% of the women.
(Don't get me wrong if you have one...) but the dainty limp wristed hand shake from some women drives me nuts. I wanna know how strong a person you are, and if you are limp wristed why should I waste my time on you? You'd be plowed over. Maybe it's because the field that I work in and when I entered it was mostly a male profession. Who knows.
My daddy told me to not ever do anything that I couldn't look myself in the mirror and be sorry for. I've taken his advice, and to this day have a good karma. I can sleep well, as I know haunts of past things that I've done won't come to get me in my dreams.
Happy Father's Day Daddy! Wish I weren't so far away from you.
-- Anonymous, June 17, 2001
Don't marry that boy!
-- Anonymous, June 17, 2001
My grandfather was the wise one: "Live within your means and pay cash" and "Learn typing and bookkeeping. There are lots of unemployed managers, but I've never seen a secretary go hungry."
-- Anonymous, June 17, 2001
-- Anonymous, June 17, 2001
SAR, nice thread. My dad was kinda like George S. Patton.... believed in God & country, prayed on his knees, but swore like a sailor."Seek wisdom, but be not wise in thine own eyes."
(Another version from him was, "Never think you're smarter than the next guy. Just realize that you are no more stupid than he is.")
-- Anonymous, June 17, 2001
Yea, when I shake hands, I have been accused of hiding a vice grips in my palm. GDD...I sent an answer to your PM and I don't know if you got it or not!!!!
-- Anonymous, June 17, 2001