HAH hah hah...Old (g)it can't handle that someone tool her 'sysop' keys away....YELLS about censorship!greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread |
You gotta see this-the infamous "timebomb forum has moved thread" from stinkbomb 2000...with a new twist!
"Please note that this forum is not "owned" by any faction; it is a creation of hundreds of people, many of whom worked long and hard to keep it alive. Changing the password so that only yourselves have sysop access was unnecessary. Furthermore, directing people to only two of the spinoff forums where only some of the TB2kers hang out and deleting links people have posted is dishonest and spiteful and fits the definition of censorship. "
Was that OLDShit whining about....censorship?
This couldn't be more ironic! (:
-- (Free@speaker.now), June 17, 2001
laughing myself silly....it should read "took". "...someone took her..."Not that a "tool" would hurt. She might not be such an oldshit if she got the "tool" more often....heh.
-- (laughing@my.ass.off!), June 17, 2001.
That's abso-fucking-lutely HILARIOUS!!!What goes around, comes around!
I wonder who changed the password. The Cascadians? God, could you just imagine Git's wrinkled up face when she tried to log in and "fix" everything?? LOL!!
-- (delete@ha.ha), June 17, 2001.
I think this war with TB2K is petty, childish, and just plain stupid. That being said, Old Git whining about censorship is really funny. She probably thinks that she is the only person who has ever been censored there.
-- jammy (jammin@with.jammy), June 17, 2001.
The only people who complained about censorship on the old forum were "polly trolls." Since Old Git is now complaining about censorship on the old forum, she must therefore be a polly troll. She should be added to the "banned" list like all the other polly trolls. If anyone asks, we'll just say she was banned for "spamming." LOL
-- (OldGit@hypo.crite), June 17, 2001.
Jeezum Pete! You mean the deathloving Cascadians stole the keys and are in charge of the original Timebomb? WOW! That's pretty damn scary! And with that power they're allowing links only to Olson's new TB2K and Readalot's Full TB2K and nuking others--what does that tell you?
-- ROT (FL@MA.off), June 17, 2001.
I don't mean to add fuel to the proverbial fire, but if this don't beat all.
You can't make this up. Ironic indeed.
-- (PatriciaS@lasvegas.com), June 17, 2001.
Well, you COULD make it up but nobody would believe you. And not many would care either.
-- Truth is (stranger@than.fiction), June 18, 2001.
REMOVED FROM THAT THREAD:" BWAhahahahahahahahahaha!!!
OldShit, how does it feel to be ON THE RECEIVING END?!?!?! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!
oh, pour wittle ittybitty doomer getting a taste OF HER OWN MEDICINE!?!
WAZZAMATTER Shit, don't like the fact that YOU can't delete people you disagree with now!!!?????!!!!
-- (A h@ted.polly), June 17, 2001.
-- sKOr CeePR (keep@ing.score), June 18, 2001.
I think just about everyone knows I'm for deletion of objectionable posts, but thought I'd say it again so you know I haven't changed my mind.-- Old Git (anon@spamproblems.com), June 13, 1999.
-- Blast (from@the.past), June 19, 2001.
What was the context of that quote? What "objectionable posts" was she referring to? Got a link?
-- -- (Tell@me.more), June 19, 2001.
Old Git didn't become a sysop until just before rollover, in December 1999. She may have supported deletion but she couldn't have deleted anything until then. As I recall, she only volunteered then because of Looney Laura's attacks.
-- I saw it (I@was.there), June 19, 2001.
By June of 1999, most TB2K forumites with half a brain had come to the logical conclusion that the doomer position was just plain bullshit. This caused a massive ‘closing of the ranks’ with the main mantra being, WE MUST FOCUS PEOPLE.The Polly’s became a little more vocal and were challenging, on a daily basis, just what the hell these fools were ‘focusing’ on. Mr. Ed had gone to Washington and got a big dose of reality, which resulted in his ‘leave of absence’, so to speak. This left the likes of Diane, Chuck, and some other power trippers to carry the torch into the new millennium. Problem was they were carrying the sucker wrong side up and they went up in flames.
From the middle of June on, it was no longer a subject for reasonable debate: You either ‘GOT IT’ or you needed to hit the road lest you tampered with their precious ‘focus’.
My personal favorite doomers are Unk and Carlos, both of whom stayed somewhat tempered during the fray and admitted to being just a tad wrong before all of the New Years Eve fireworks had been extinguished. Others are still blaming Y2K for every little hiccup in this crazy world we occupy.
But then, with all of the ‘handle’ morphing that has gone on, who knows who was who and whom they have become.
-- There (from@the.start), June 19, 2001.
I ain't asskissin but that was well said "There". What's missing and always seems to be in these Git & Diane & Chuck bashing threads is that the TB2K was Yourdon's forum. As I see it he backed out leaving a contentious (and perhaps knowingly illfated) arena to a few who not only shared his opinion of Y2K but also shared his trust and somehow felt obligated. No, none, not a bit of info do I have to substantiate my surmise.Call me old fashioned if you will but trust and loyality rank high with me and while not having read much of TB2K it was easy for me to pick sides (much to CEEP's chagrin) based the friends I made. Y2K was actually kind of fun. The issue was less important than the personalities met on that my first venture into cyberland. Not meaning to trivialize, but, maybe I should and perhaps we all should as well.
-- Carlos (riffraff@cybertime.net), June 20, 2001.
Carlos, I happened upon the TB2K forum in the latter part of 1998 so I truly was there from the start. My initial position at that time was ‘concerned but seeking more data’ in order that I could intelligently appraise the situation.It took me about 2 months to realize that there were some dynamics driving the fear factor for economic gain and when you really sat down and balanced all of the available information, Y2K as we came to know it just didn’t compute.
Remember all of those critical dates that were supposed to deliver us a glimpse into the apocalypse? When 4/1/99 and 4/8/99 came and went with nary a hitch, my Polly position was solidified. Still, like you I found the whole forum experience to be fun and entertaining. However, there were some individuals that went way over the line of reasoning and you apparently had become friends with them. When you go meet someone in ‘person’ you alter the cyber interface and change the perspectives.
I suspect that for most of us, who kept it impersonal, that was the difference.
Now, I see that you have continued to travel the country to meet and greet fellow forumites from all walks. It has to be fun and maybe more folks should jump at the chance to join in. I’ve always been reluctant to meet up with ‘strangers’ from the Net but your experiences have convinced me that one day I should give it a shot. If only I could get these CATS to run right.
-- There (from@the.start), June 20, 2001.
You gotta make Nawlins There. It's tentative for Feb. We're kind of bacchanalian but not too bad.Seriousness has kept me from being a good troopie of either camp. Not my seriousness but theirs. Friends is different cause friends is friends. I don't apoligize for mine and would be disappointed with anyone who did for theirs.
-- Carlos (riffraff@cybertime.net), June 21, 2001.
Nawlins in February…..can you spell 'hard to find a room'? I lived in the Big Easy for a year and have many friends in the area. NOW is the time to get organized. If this is to be the destination of choice I would be interested in helping out with arrangements. Who is spearheading this event?
-- There (from@the.start), June 21, 2001.
Now? Now may be too late. Rooms overlooking Bourbon Street are booked 5-10 years in advance. In a pinch, people hire U-Hauls and sleep in them. Do NOT book rooms outside of downtown because you will have to walk to the action. There is virtually no transportation Mardi Gras Day and many streets are closed to traffic--parking is impossible. Remember, thou shalt not take any cab but United or thy pockets will be emptied, yea verily.Not much action during the day but check it out around midnight, especially on weekends.
-- Not sobered up yet (and.its.been@two.years), June 21, 2001.
Wrong, Hurricane breath.The natives know the secret to dealing with the madness. There are plenty of affordable places to stay on the West Bank. There is a great passenger ferry service from Algiers that docks at the foot of Canal Street, right in heart of the action. The great Krewe parades (except the first one) don’t even go into the French Quarter anymore due to the current fire codes and many of them are actually held in the West Bank. I managed to stay relatively sober during my residence in Nawlins’ and I know the ropes when it comes to planning Mardi Gras events.
Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday) will fall early next year on the 12th of February and the parades (over 52 of them) will commence on Saturday, January 26th. The frenzy keeps building up to Fat Tuesday and then the switch is thrown on Midnight (Ash Wednesday), when the Quarter is shutdown and the world’s biggest Public Works clean-up project commences. It’s all about a thing called ‘Lent’…..you may have heard of it.
This could be the Mother of all get togethers, or not.
-- There (from@the.start), June 21, 2001.
You lived there one year? Okay, so you went through one Mardi Gras season--I went through 15, but hey, you're the expert. There are many French Quarter parades, although not the huge krewes, and one of the most popular Quarter events is the Gay Costume Parade which draws thousands of spectators. If you know people, you can get a coveted invite to the relatively underground MOMs Ball (Mystics, Orphans and Misfits) but maybe you didn't know the right people. Generally, you have to live in New Orleans a long time to get invitations to the most prestigious balls and they're VERY boring. Endymion and the other new krewe balls are available to those with enough money.The West Bank sucks and the West Bank Expressway looks like every expressway in every city in the U.S. I lived on the West Bank for over a year and moved Uptown as soon as I could. It's not New Orleans, it's the city of Algiers in Orleans Parish, and Gretna, Terrytown, Marrero and Westwego, etc. in Jefferson Parish further west. The West Bank was isolated, except for the ferry, until the first city bridge was completed in the 60s. There are some nice old shotguns near the levee but otherwise the area is almost completely lacking in history and character, unless you like navy bases.
Mardi Gras actually starts with Twelfth Night parties, you know, January 6th--you may have heard of it. Mardi Gras is Shrove Tuesday, although it translates to Fat Tuesday, and so can fall late--in early March. An early Mardi Gras can be freezing. If you all plan to costume, then pick something with layers--could also be warm, you never know.
By the way, uptown New Orleanians, prefer the pronunciation "Nieuw OR-lee-yuns," with Orleans pronounced similar to the original French.
There's a Sheraton and a Marriott on Canal Street near the Quarter, although I think their rates might be too high, especially at Mardi Gras. A HoJo's is not too far away on Loyola Avenue but you'll have to smuggle in booze--it's owned by a Christian Scientist family, or was for at least 30 years. There's a great place near Esplanade called Le Richelieu and it's where Paul McCartney always stayed--not as expensive as many other Quarter hotels and there are kitchen suites--quite an old building and lots of charm. You could try the Monteleone and Royal Orleans but good luck. Le Pavillon might be a good shot. Also the International Hotel and one of the two Holiday Inns. You might also surf for bed and breakfast places in New Orleans. The Cornstalk is one, a beautiful old mansion with a superb wrought-iron fence of morning glories twining around cornstalks. There's only one more like it, in the Garden District.
Whatever it is, if it says it's in or very near the "French Quarter," remember it's only 12 blocks square so you won't have to walk far. Faubourg Marigny is the area to the east of the Quarter and may have a couple of hotels/B&Bs. There are also a few hotels on St. Charles Avenue, beyond downtown but still well within walking distance.
If all else fails, you could try the Thunderbird on Tulane Avenue. Cheap and looks it. (But it's close to Nick's (Nick Castrogiovanni's), where you can choose from hundreds of amazingly-named and astonishingly cheap cocktails, and Genghis Khan, a restaurant owned by the New Orleans Symphony's second violinist. Stay away from the plum wine.
Actually, I'd say screw Mardi Gras and go at Halloween. Nearly as much fun, everybody in costume, reasonable hotel rates, and not nearly as crowded.
-- Ramos gin fizz breath (from@the.Fairmont), June 21, 2001.
Don’t get your shorts in a bind there fizz. I didn’t spend 15 solid years there (thank god) but in addition to the 1 year of residence, I’ve spent countless weeks in the area for over 4 decades and have attended 13 Mardi Gras. My West Bank suggestion is based on the availability of reasonable and available lodging with good logistics for getting into the Uptown/Quarter area without cab or personal auto. Also, I am assuming that many folks that might wish to come would not be operating on an unlimited budget. BTW, I stayed at the Monteleone in 1961 and it hasn’t changed much at all over the years…..and that’s a good thing. However, if your waist size is over 40 you will have trouble turning around in the room. I’ve been privileged to attend a couple of Endymion balls and they were hardly boring, but then you may have some exotic tastes beyond the norm. Anyway, with your intimate knowledge of the area, you should offer to jump in and help put this together.Personally, I would prefer to be down there for Jazz Fest, which is just about as wild, but the weather is traditionally much better (late April-early May).
Have you ever had one of Danny & Clyde’s shrimp Po-Boys? To die for.
-- There (from@the.start), June 21, 2001.
"Boring" referred to the prestigious balls, like Comus and Rex. Endymion and the other nouveau riche/yuppie krewes are a blast. (Nouveau riche in New Orleans means you made your money after WWI.)Jazz Fest is good but too many people now and is getting expensive.
I always had the shrimp/oyster po-boys for lunch at the little cafe in the Maritime Building (if it's still there), but will take the muffalettas at Central Grocery or at Napoleon House any time on that great old patio. Serio's does good po-boys too.
Breakfast has to be at the 24-hour Hummingbird Grill, populated in the early hours by debs, cops, winos, waiters and yuppies. You can eat breakfast while watching the traffic at the by-the-hour motel on the upper floors.
If I were to help out on this trip, I'd end up going, then I'd want to move back AGAIN, then I'd probably OD on the food and booze and stay up all night for several nights. . . Hey, sounds good!
-- Squeeze they tails (suck@they.heads), June 21, 2001.
"Is there a bigger sack of hypocritical excrement than Old Git? When she had a position of power on the old Timebomb, she relished the power she had to delete and ban those whose opinions differed from hers. Looks good on ya....-- Y2K Pro (y2kpro1@hotmail.com), June 21, 2001. "
-- wondering how long (that_quote@will.last?), June 25, 2001.