HELP NEEDED : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I need to know from scratch, what is the best way to burn a dvd onto a cd using vcd format. Things i need to know is like What is the best software to use, what kind of cd (cdr or cdrw) And what steps needed to convert from dvd to vcd in order to play on my DVD.. Thanks

-- Jerome G (, June 17, 2001


I Use DVD2VCD software i paid 29 bukz 4 it

-- Chris Ma***** Greene (, June 17, 2001.

hi there! i need big help from who it may concern how to convert dvd2vcd.. and where to get the programe is there any possible to download it from the internet which site... thank you for ur time..

ur faithfully paul

-- paul (, January 21, 2002.

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