Are you full of it? : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

Are you full of it?

-- Cherri (, June 15, 2001


You ranked high on the air head test, right?

I thought you said in an earlier thread you hardly ever come here? You're a lying smelly sack-a-shit.

-- (Get @ life .soon), June 15, 2001.

Its cus she only has the brain power to get humped by a black man we all know shes a lower life form.

-- heh (, June 16, 2001.

This was fun for a while, Cherri [even though it asked questions about sitcoms I've never seen], but after I FINALLY got up to 210, I answered the next question correctly and was down to 145.

-- Anita (, June 17, 2001.

It's actually an IQ test. Anyone who continued answering after three rounds failed.

-- Uncle Deedah (, June 17, 2001.

um...yah I knew that

what...I did seriously

-- (cin@cin.cin), June 17, 2001.

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