Three daughters : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

A man had three daughters, he asked his eldest daughter what kind of man she would like to marry.

"I would like to marry a man with three dragons on his chest," said the eldest daughter.

He then asked his second daughter who she would like to marry.

"I would like to marry a man with two dragons on his chest," said the second daughter.

He finally asked his youngest daughter who she would like to marry.

The youngest daughter replies, "I would like to marry a man with one draggin' on the ground."

-- Cherri (, June 14, 2001


Cherri no one gives a fuck go the fuck away whore

-- you (, June 15, 2001.

Au contrare, worthless POS troll. YOU "care" enough to continue to post to her, telling us all just how much you allegedly DON'T "care".

Dickhead :-)

-- (yet@nother.moron), June 15, 2001.

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