Mind Control

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As I mentioned in a post on the Timothy McVeigh case, I have had a suspicion that he was operating under mind control. Same for Sirhan Sirhan, Lee Harvey Oswald, and others. Perhaps quite a few of those who commit school shootings and things like that.

But, does mind control even exist? It's one of those subjects that seems too bizarre to even consider in a serious way. Or is it? One highly qualified professional in the field of psychology, Dr. Hammond, decided to bring forward what he personally discovered about this. Sort of reminds me of the Dr. Steven Greer press conference regarding UFOs last month. Not much interest in either of these presentations afterward. Subjects that seem to get easily swept under the rug.


-- Anonymous, June 14, 2001


I've seen that one, and I can't quite figure out why it hasn't had (that I could find) either any serious rebuttal, or corroborative follow-up analysis over the years. If there is no meat to it, a rebuttal should point out what bad work it is. If there is a lot of truth in it, there should be serious independent confirmation from someone who is a professional in the field.

-- Anonymous, June 14, 2001

Firemouse, I'm not surprised this one caught your attention. I think it falls into that category of things that are being *kept* out of public awareness. There are many subjects like this, UFOs being one, or deep conspiracies in government and industry. The more one looks into these subjects the more we find very credible people who are either ignored, ridiculed, or eliminated (one way or another) in order to confuse and/or mislead us.

Col. Philip Corso was one such individual that offered us a fantastic story just within the last 5 years. Fascinating stuff, and not for the faint of heart. In fact I have come to the conclusion that all these things are only of interest to a very tiny slice of the population, and they are not successful in raising awareness beyond their own small groups. Never is there "official" confirmation of these things. If you travel the paths that lead to such revelations you will not be able to convince hardly anyone you know that what you have discovered is "a" reality.

Of course, convincing others is really not what it's all about anyway. From what I have gathered so far we are all, individually, on our own quest for understanding and knowledge. We are all slowly tapping into the cosmic school records and coming to awareness at our own pace. Before we are ready, information presented to us *is* either ignored or rejected. Later, when we have sufficient foundation, we move on into those areas that seemed so "ridiculous" before. That's the nature of any education, from flat earth to spiral universes with time distortions beyond our imagination.

-- Anonymous, June 14, 2001

thanks for the post, Gordon, and might I just add this little bit...IF I said IF there IS someone very respected, and they come out with this stuff, they will be ridicled and discredited, so as Gordon said, one must assess each and every little thing by their own reality.

-- Anonymous, June 14, 2001

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