Where can I buy VCDs in Richmond or Vancouver, British Columbia?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I live in Richmond, British Columbia and don't know where to find good VCD movies such as X-Men or other action flicks. I tried the major retail stores like Future Shop, Blockbsters, etc... but none have VCDs anymore. I am able to go into Vancouver if necessary. Please help! Thanks for all you caring people out there! M

-- Marv Ng (mwng@sfu.ca), June 13, 2001


Why don't u just watch DVDs?? Just curious here.

-- Mehmet Tekdemir (turk690@yahoo.com), June 18, 2001.

Ask the Chinese/Vietnamese comunities in or around Chinatown in any major Western City. Usually their video rental outlets also hire or sell movie and karaoke VCDs. However, there are mostly Chinese ones, and if they trust you, you could even buy some X rated ones, especially the Japanese VCDs.

-- VCD (VCD@VCD.COM), June 18, 2001.

i know 'am not answering your question right but if you can't find them near you...why not try internet shopping? e-business is safe and reliable. 'got a credit card...? go to www.videocds.com

-- dong kax (dongkax@hotmail.com), August 15, 2001.

try the nite market on the weekends at Lansdowne Mall.

-- bugz (bugzbunny@messagez.com), October 08, 2001.

MAL has lots

-- Rikku (storyweaverx@hotmail.com), August 06, 2004.

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