Our continued existence driving TB2K nutsgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread |
Yes folks, there are those at TB2K (aka the "new Doomers House o' Delusions") that CONTINUE to be driven MAD (apparently) by our continued existence. (Kewl!)A thread for your perusal. (Warning: Expect lots of hypocrisy and outright lies)
Too funny!
To quote Paul....
-- (Debunkie@house.O.trolls), June 13, 2001
Ooooooohhh! I wanna be a "Senior Member!"Gimme a break.
-- Buddy (buddydc@go.com), June 13, 2001.
Better then what you are now.. A Fucking white trash bitch nothing. Look at yourself in the mirror. Your a fucking zero WHAT HAVE YOU DONE to better anything? I got your senior member right here you mother fucker suck long and hard asshole
-- Lamy (better@than.com), June 13, 2001.
But Dennis swore he was never coming back to this board, even to read it. Is it possible that Dennis J. Olson is a liar?Say it ain't so!
-- Naive is Evian Spelled Backwards (naive@evian.h2o), June 13, 2001.
Oh, I'm scared.How lame.
-- Buddy (buddydc@go.com), June 13, 2001.
What have I done to better myself? I spent the money Yourdon, North, Olson, Milne, and all the other doom merchants told me to spend on Y2K preps and took a nice long vacation to Australia after the world failed to end. I got a really good tan, some nice pictures, and a lot of very pleasant memories.
-- Tarzan the Ape Man (tarzan@swingingthroughthejunglewithouta.net), June 13, 2001.
It's interesting to note that Dennis wrote his post right around the same time we just got a new influx of profane trolls calling us all "fags" and "freeloading fuckkos." Must be a coincidence.
-- (Debunkie@house.O.trolls), June 13, 2001.