JUDICIAL WATCH - Bill and Hillary Clinton involved in massive election financ fraudgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread |
Judicial Watch Client, Peter Paul, Has Proof of $2 Million in Campaign Contributions Never Reported to FEC Concerning Hillary Clinton’s Senate Campaign
Mr. Paul Indicted Last Friday For Alleged Securities Violations
(Washington, DC) Judicial Watch, the public interest law firm that investigates and prosecutes government abuse and corruption, has been representing Peter Paul, an international businessman who financed the “Hollywood Tribute to Bill Clinton” shortly before the Democratic National Convention last year on August 12, 2000. Mr. Paul made over $2 million in direct and in kind campaign contributions to the Hillary Clinton’s Senate campaign to finance the “Hollywood Tribute to Bill Clinton” – which served as a fundraiser for then First Lady Hillary Clinton. Importantly, Mr. Paul can document with actual checks the contributions to Hillary Clinton’s campaign as well as personal “thank you” notes from Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton. In addition, video and photos exist depicting the closeness of Mr. Paul and the Clintons and underscoring the Clintons’ deep thanks for Mr. Paul’s generosity, among other matters.
Witnesses to this latest Clinton scandal include a number of Hollywood stars, including but not limited to Barbra Streisand, Brad Pitt, John Travolta, Cher and others. In addition, former Philadelphia Mayor Ed Rendell and Democratic National Committee Chairman Terry McAuliffe are implicated. With regard to Rendell, he played a role in Mr. Paul’s request for a Presidential pardon for two prior convictions, with Rendell asking for an additional $150,000. Mr. Paul made the over $2 million in contributions to Mrs. Clinton as part of a $17 million deal to induce Bill Clinton to work with his business ventures after he left The White House.
Judicial Watch and Mr. Paul have been cooperating with U.S. Attorney’s Offices in the Eastern District of New York, Southern District of New York, District of New Jersey and Central District of California. Last Friday, a sealed indictment was issued concerning Mr. Paul, who was alleged to have engaged in improper securities transactions.
“Mr. Paul has offered his full cooperation to the Justice Department in bringing the Clintons to justice,” stated Judicial Watch Chairman and General Counsel Larry Klayman.
“Mr. Paul currently resides in Brazil and most recently was interviewed by ABC News on camera for an upcoming “20/20" piece. He has also been cooperating with The New York Times and looks forward to the truth coming out to the American people,” stated Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.
-- Anonymous, June 12, 2001
Yer teasing me!
-- Anonymous, June 13, 2001
Moi? Teasing You? Nevah!NYDailyNews
Scam Suspect:
I Gave Hil 2MBy TIMOTHY J. BURGER in Washington and MIKE CLAFFEY in New York
Daily News Staff Writers Hollywood promoter charged in a $25 million stock scam is trying to cut a deal with prosecutors, saying he made $2 million in unreported contributions to Hillary Rodham Clinton's Senate campaign.
Peter Paul, 52, is charged with illegally manipulating the stock of Stan Lee Media, according to an indictment unsealed yesterday in Brooklyn Federal Court.
Paul, whom prosecutors are trying to extradite from Brazil, is represented by Larry Klayman of Judicial Watch, a conservative group that has waged legal war on the Clinton White House.
Klayman says that Paul made over $2 million in direct and in-kind campaign contributions to stage the star-studded "Hollywood Tribute to Bill Clinton" last year, which was a soft money fund-raiser for Hillary Clinton's Senate campaign.
Paul also said a top Democrat asked him for $150,000 when Paul sought a presidential pardon for two convictions, one for cocaine possession and another for an $8.7 million fraud scheme.
"He is willing to return to the U.S. to testify in exchange for a deal with prosecutors," Klayman said.
Paul was paid a modest amount for his work on the Hollywood fund-raiser, which was staged with about $1 million of in-kind contributions, a spokesman for Hillary Rodham Clinton said at the time.
Federal Election Commission records show that Paul did give $2,000 to Clinton's campaign, but it was returned after officials learned of his convictions.
But Common Cause records show Stan Lee Media, which Paul helped create, gave $468,564 in soft money to Clinton's war chest.
Original Publication Date: 6/13/01
-- Anonymous, June 13, 2001
Never trust a man named Peter Paul. Good Lord, can you imagine growing up with a name like that?
-- Anonymous, June 13, 2001
Now you just hold on there, gr8DaneDude! Didn't a man with that name invent both the Mounds and the Almond Joy candybars? Two of my all-time favorites.
-- Anonymous, June 13, 2001