DYNASTY - Why this Kennedy won't run

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June 12, 2001 -- Not every Kennedy is destined for public office - Matthew Maxwell Kennedy, a son of Robert F. Kennedy, yesterday decided not to run for Congress.

The surprise announcement came just days after the 36-year-old environmentalist admitted he was once arrested with bad-boy cousin Michael Skakel for allegedly assaulting a cop.

Kennedy, a political novice, had been expected to enter a tight three-man race in a heavily Democratic Boston district whose seat was vacated by the death of Rep. Joseph Moakley.

Kennedy said he and his wife, Vicki, decided after considering the "impact that serving in Congress would have on our lives and our children."

"Together, we have concluded that now is not the time for me to run for Congress," he said.

Kennedy, known as Max, recently bought a house in Moakley's 9th District and was reported ready to announce his candidacy soon after the date of a special election was set.

But The Boston Herald reported last week that he and Skakel were arrested on charges of assaulting a Harvard University police officer in 1983.

Spokesman Scott Ferson said Kennedy, then 17, and Skakel got upset when the officer demanded to see their ID after they were spotted tossing trash from their car into a Dumpster.

Ferson said Kennedy denied hitting the officer but acknowledged making "a mistake." The charges were later dropped.

-- Anonymous, June 12, 2001


I don't for a moment believe that Max is concerned about the impacts on his 'lil ones. It's a good excuse, until such time as he knows his chances are much better. He was doing quite badly in the polls.

-- Anonymous, June 12, 2001

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