BWAHAHAHAHAHA - Blair awards himself $70,000-a-year raise : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread


Blair awards himself £47,000 rise By George Jones, Political Editor

TONY BLAIR awarded himself a £47,000-a-year pay rise yesterday, four days after securing his second term as Prime Minister.

He provoked controversy by ending a freeze on the salaries of senior ministers he imposed four years ago to set an example of pay restraint to the nation. Andrew Lansley, the Conservative cabinet office spokesman, said: "It is interesting how long the humility Mr Blair spoke of during the campaign has lasted."

The decision of Mr Blair and the Cabinet to take their full salaries was announced almost as an afterthought by Downing Street when details of a reshuffle of the lower and middle ranks of the Government were given Mr Blair demonstrated a ruthless streak in the post-election reshaping of his Government.

Twenty-two ministers left, including Keith Vaz, the minister for Europe, whose career had been overshadowed by accusations of misconduct, and Kate Hoey, the sports minister. Mr Vaz is replaced by Peter Hain, the energy minister, who has Euro-sceptic instincts. Harriet Harman, sacked in Mr Blair's 1998 reshuffle, is back as Solicitor-General.

But Mr Blair decision that he and his Cabinet should draw their full salaries will be seen as an indication that he is prepared to be more bold and take less account of public opinion now that he has become the first Labour prime minister to win a second full term at No 10. He will now draw £163,418 instead of £116,339. Members of the Cabinet will receive £117,979 instead of £99,793.

The Lord Chancellor, Lord Irvine, is not affected. He already draws his full salary of £167,760 because he is head of the judiciary. Cabinet ministers in the Lords also receive a pay rise: from £74,911 to £88,562.

Gordon Brown, the Chancellor, insisted on the pay freeze when Labour came to power in 1997. Before that election, the senior salaries review body had recommended a substantial increase in ministerial salaries to reflect the responsibilities of the job - and to bring them more in line with earnings outside.

But Mr Brown insisted that the curb should continue for the rest of the Parliament. Although Cabinet ministers had their reduced salaries uprated each year in line with inflation, they had to forgo a total of £50,000 and Mr Blair more than £100,000. Ministers resented the decision, particularly as Mr Blair's wife, Cherie, was a highly-paid QC reputed to earn up to £200,000 a year.

Mr Blair, whose fourth child was born last year, has recently complained about the low level of his pay and the cost of maintaining Cherie's wardrobe as the Prime Minister's wife.

Downing Street said that the senior salaries review body had reported in February that the decision not to take the full award was "distorting" the ministerial pay system by eroding the differentials between Cabinet ministers and junior and middle ranking members of the Government.

Nigel de Gruchy, the general secretary of the National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers, said he did not begrudge the Government a pay rise, "but the timing has to be regarded as extremely cynical, coming so soon after the election. It is obviously one rule for politicians and another for teachers and nurses."

-- Anonymous, June 11, 2001

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