ATI Video Capture help : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Hey, I bought an ATI TV Tuner, everthing worked fine except for the video capture. I returned it for another one, and the same thing happened. Is it the tuner or my computer? ATI's website offers virtual no help on this subject (probably for the very reason that the tuner is faulty). I don't know. Does anyone have this tuner? If so, I need some help. Thanks.

-- Mike Abate (, June 11, 2001


Details please!

Check list: card installed, ATI softwear/drivers installed with no errors, device present in device manager(with no "!" present, ATI TV application starts, cables correctly plugged in, correct input source selected, input source is turned on and transmitting, "can you see the transmitted source on the ATI TV screen?", evidence that capturing is taking place, does it lock up during capture, can't find an output file, can capture audio or video but not both ????????????????????

-- me (, June 12, 2001.

Hello It seems a part of the tuner is faild. because you were install that on two PC. So I bought an ATI TV Tuner 128 rage pro and it capture any video but is not able to save them correctly. Thanks

-- M. rahmanee (, September 10, 2001.

Ati aiw Radeon card only supports directshow video which is what 2000 and windows xp will only support, however the 128 pro supports the old video for windows , but you have to download the alterntive driver from their website 4.12.??, also if your using the multimedia center that comes with your card may want to update to 7.1 and make sure your update your directX to 8.0 or better.

-- John T. Nixon (, October 04, 2001.

i have ati all in wander 32 pls advs which software can codec my recording with short time and good qualt...pls advs a s a p . thks

-- asfora asfora (, October 18, 2001.

I have a problem with ati radeon 8500. everything is up to date and working fine except audio isnt captured with the video. ive tried multiple different routings for the audio output but it still doesnt work!

-- Joe Bernardo (, November 07, 2003.

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