4.0 Earthquake south of Seattle

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

Around Hoquiem

-- Cherri (jessam5@home.com), June 10, 2001


Cherri, did you feel that earthquake. I did, but it was kinda strange. I could only feel it for about 8 seconds, but it moved. I mean it felt like the ground was moving, not shaking. I'm glad it didn't last long.

-- Dr. Pibb (dr.pibb@zdnetonebox.com), June 10, 2001.

Nebraska is boring and flood prone and tornado prone and blizzard prone but at least we are on solid ground and it is relatively cheap. I always buy "value".

-- (Warren_Buffet@Omaha.NE), June 10, 2001.

It is more fun here. You get to surf on dry ground.

-- Dr. Pibb (dr.pibb@zdnetonebox.com), June 10, 2001.

Dr. Pibb,

That is what as known as a rolling motion. It usually feels that way when you are not in the area directly above the epicenter, because the shock waves are moving horizontally across your location. Those at the epicenter feel more shaking because the waves are coming up vertically from underneath them.

-- (experienced @ quake. surfer), June 10, 2001.

Be grateful for them 4.0s Cherri. Wish we had them pressure relievers daily in my neighborhood.

-- Carlos (riffraff@cybertime.net), June 10, 2001.

It was a 5.0

-- (i@heard.so), June 10, 2001.

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