ADMIN - Thanks for all the threads : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

Dunno about everybody else but have been thoroughly enjoying reading all the new threads. The Hungarian has told me I should elevate my arm so I'm stuck here like the statue of liberty sans torch, trying to type with my L hand. It's easy to use mouse for clicking and it has a scroll button, that makes it easy too.

-- Anonymous, June 09, 2001


HEY!!! hope you are feeling better today. went to my dad's today...and just got back a while ago. Do enjoy your "rest"...Pretend you are the Queen and we are your loyal subjects...and RELAX!!!!!!

-- Anonymous, June 09, 2001

You ever seen the Queen relaxed???

-- Anonymous, June 09, 2001

Glad you're feeling better--and your typing has improved also :)

My husband, back in his deli days, once skinned his elbow on a chicken rack at work. Didn't think anything about it 'til his elbow balloned up and he got a fever. He had to keep his arm immobile for a week, plus a week of steroids and 4 weeks of antibiotics.

He was really lucky to have a bunch of middle-aged women employees at the time. They noticed the swelling before he did and nagged him mercilessly 'til he went to the doctor.

-- Anonymous, June 09, 2001

Wow, ouch, BK! Animal bites usually take only 24 hours to get infected, apparently, and there were only two puncture wounds, not a large scrape area, but the infected area was probably 4" x 9" with a little streak of a river running up--and up! I can't imagine being out of action for a week. Sheesh!

Next time this happens, as it surely will 'cause I'm like that (there's that stray on the yard I still need to catch for his chopping and shots), I'll get the treatment immediately, take no chances.

-- Anonymous, June 10, 2001

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